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  • #75741
    Post count: 39


    I have set up my product each with the variables for the different colors. So when you click on the product image you can then select any color variable you wish to buy.

    My question is that if I am creating a sub menu for sorting by colors how do I do that when the other product colors are handled with variables? How do I create a color category for each of the 6 colors for the products when the only product I have made is of the color orange but the others can be selected on the product page…

    understand what I am saying? Basically I need to be able to pull those Variable colors and display those variable images when then the color is selected in a side menu.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    The ‘color’ is an attribute, not a category. You set this in the attributes section of the product info. When you search by color, the product will show if one of the variants has the color that has been searched, however I’m afraid it can’t change the thumbnail image to the right color.

    This is not controlled by the theme therefore it is not something we can change for you

    – Kyle

    Post count: 57

    Hi haagmeister,

    To do this you should create a variable product.
    I’ll explain the major steps you should take to do this:

    (this guide is based on the fact that you have already created the color attributes)

    1. Go to Products – add new
    2. Scroll to Product Data and select variable product.
    3. In the product data screen from the tabs on the left, select Attributes.
    4. Click the dropdown and select your color attribute.
    5. Click the 2 checkboxes, as you want them to be displayed on your product page and you want to use them for variables (for the color pictures later on)
    6. Now click on select all. this is for all the colors – if you don’t them all, you should select them manually.
    7. Save the attributes

    8. Now head over to the variables on the left.
    9. Click on connect all variations – (don’t know if this the right translation as I’m translating from Dutch)
    10. Now you can give you product the preferred image and settings per color. (image is the small square on the left)

    Your variable product is now in place.

    Now, to get this all into the sidebar, you should download and install the following free plugin:

    – Then go to widgets, add the YITH Woocommerce Ajax Navigation widget to your desired sidebar.
    – select the attribute ‘color’ (or whatever you named it).
    – leave query type as ‘AND’
    – select ‘color’ from the type dropdown.
    – And then select your colors from the color pickers.

    Now you have your colors selectable in your sidebar.

    Have fun!


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Thanks for the help Stan, however this still won’t show the correct image for the product, it will show the original featured image

    – Kyle

    Post count: 57

    Hi Kyle,

    Not in the category view no – but when you’re on the product and select the color, it changes images.
    I thought that was the whole idea.



    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Yes, when you are on the product page you can select the color and the image will change. However they are asking how to display the right image once you have filtered your shop by a color, which is not possible. For e.g. here: I have filtered by yellow items, but the image shows the beige color

    – Kyle

    Post count: 57

    Hmm, I understand now.
    I’m actually also curious if this is possible then, as I’m working on a kinda huge website with lots of color variations.
    I’ll look into it, and if I find something will post it here.



    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Thanks Stan

    Maybe check with WooCommerce

    – Kyle

    Post count: 39

    Thanks for the input guys! Yeah the first answer by Barq helped with having the color swatches on the product pages instead of the dropdown. The real question is exactly what you said Kyle.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Unfortunately it’s not currently possible, maybe it will be something WooCommerce will add in the future

    – Kyle

    Post count: 39

    I can reached out to the WooCommerce support team with this issue. Waiting on their response and will post whatever they say back here.

    This does not seem like its some wile one-off idea to me. Being able to target variations like this seems pretty common sense does it not? I know I installed a plugin that allows me to add more product images per variation so I assume this is not all that difficult to do 🙂 ***fingers crossed***

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Hopefully! Please get back to us if they provide you with a solution

    – Kyle

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