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  • #164388
    Post count: 13


    I’m having a serious issue with my Neighbourhood themed site. I run WooCommerce and sell from the site. Recently ( last few weeks) when customers have items in the card and the screen should show the purchase method options, the cart side of the screen is light grey with a timing circle looping indefinitely. Then customers are contacting me to say they can’t complete the transaction. I’ve had some that didn’t tell me for a while, so I wondered why I was having lots of abandoned carts.

    This issue is critical as the website store will not function if the cart is timing out. (losing money!!) Also, one customer said they were unable to add more than one product to the cart, even though I have 15 listed in stock in the inventory.

    Appreciate any assistance.

    Thank you.

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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Maybe it could be some plugin conflict. Any plugins update recently?
    Can you replicate the issue with the default WordPress theme active?


    Post count: 13
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    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    Yeah, sure. Keep us updated.

    Let us know,


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