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  • #160007
    Post count: 48

    Hi, I’m just getting started with Neighborhood and have some questions about the blog.

    Why are the blog categories pages not using the same design as the blog index page? For example, I have “show item details” set to No, “show read more” set to Yes, etc. in the blog page’s Blog Page Builder component, but those are being ignored by the archives.

    Is there a way to make the Categories widget only show the top-most categories? I think this is pretty basic option that should be supported (coming from a WooFramework user). Do I have to add a static menu for this?

    When I view a blog post by clicking from the blog index the post has the “Posted by” and “Related Articles” sections. Clicking from an archive does not show these sections. Why is that?

    How do I remove each of these sections from a setting or code (not CSS)? I’ve already hidden the featured image which is stretched and ugly. I don’t want more hidden HTML as Google does not like that.

    Why are the thumbnails for Related Articles not rendering? All I see are black boxes. Also, why are the related articles matches random on each page refresh?

    Thank you,

    Post count: 48

    One more question…

    I want to display the category’s Description on blog categories that have it. Given that and my other questions should I just copy your blog template and modify it?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) Archive/Category pages are autogenerated using php files, it’s just WordPress functionality. Unfortunately you can not set all of the same options as you can for the main blog. Go to Theme Options > Archive/Category options for the things you can set

    2) The category widget is standard WordPress, nothing to do with the theme

    3) You mean a single post page? That shouldn’t be any different, as it’s exactly the same page, doesn’t matter where you click to it from. Can you show me an example?

    4) You’ll need to edit the single.php file and add to your child theme

    5) Have you set a thumbnail image for your posts in the Post Meta Options? And because it uses posts from the same category

    – Kyle

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