I have went through all of the forums and tried every solution that you have recommended to other people. I am having problems with the Atelier demo site. The theme will upload fine but the demo content will not upload correctly no matter what I try. When uploading all 4 check boxes, the demo content, it freezes at different percentages then I have to restart the upload and it makes copies of things and throws the upload way off. By the time I have canceled and restarted the upload 4 times to get the upload to 100% the theme and demo content won’t even function properly. I have changed the wordpress memory to 256M, I have used the wordpress reset plugin to clear everything out multiple times as suggested, and I have installed and activated all required and recommended plugins. The last Atelier demo site upload I tried was last night. I used the wordpress reset plugin for who knows how many times to give it a clean slate. Then I was going to upload and just let it run all night to see if it was just a super slow upload. Well it froze at 44% after having 8 hours to complete. Only a portion of the content was uploaded as well so the site with my domain attached is only partially complete. The theme simply will not cooperate. I really like this theme but we need to find a solution asap because as I’m sure you know, I’m loosing money everyday this site is down due to the theme and demo content.
P.S. my site is hidden by an underconstruction page so you will need to use the login provided to see what I am talking about