New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Theme Support Cardinal – Feature Request Alternative Text on thumbnail Images

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  • #100892
    Post count: 235


    Currently on any media attachment the thumbnail versions of the images, such as images being used for portfolio thumbnails, are not receiving the original files alt attributes.

    This is not good for SEO.

    Can this be a feature to add for new updates, to ensure our sites with cardinal are maximise their SEO potential.



    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I will forward this to the developer to see if we can add

    – Kyle

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @George

    Can you let me know specific outputs for these where you aren’t seeing the alt tag, and I’ll check it. It won’t have anything to do with the media files, but the theme’s output.

    – Ed

    Post count: 235

    Hi Ed,

    For example, on my home page, where I have a portfolio section, the original portfolio images have alt attributes, however the thumbnails that are being displayed from the portfolio categories are being stripped of them.

    There are 10 on my homepage, each portfolio item, all alt attributes not there.



    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi George,

    Thanks for pointing this out, there was an issue with the retrieval of the alt tag. Just fixed this, I’ll reply to your previous email with the new build in a moment.

    – Ed

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