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  • #26041
    Post count: 22

    I have a couple things I’d like to do with my shopping bag

    1. Make it fixed instead of activated on hover. I saw in the themeforest comments this was possible but not how to do it

    2. Add to cart button visible on the mini Shop product elements

    3. Target the text color on rollover of the “add to shopping bag” with css…I tried a couple things but they didn’t work


    Post count: 22

    .woocommerce ul.products li.product figure figcaption .shop-actions > a:hover {_____}

    the rest are still pretty important though

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    This sure is possible, but I’m afraid it’s not built into the theme and would have to be modified especially for you. We’d love to help you with this customization but we are only able to provide support for basic theme issues and bug fixes. We do provide support for small customizations but unfortunately this request is beyond that. Please see our general policy and guidelines for more info. You could also hire a developer to help you with your customizations.

    Thank you for understanding!

    Post count: 22

    What about the first question? In the themeforest comments:

    3antz 3 months ago
    Hi there, great theme. Two pre-sales questions : 1) would it be possible to have the traditional add to cart button instead of the onmouseover? 2) Is there a review indicator on the category pages (eg. stars)? Thanks.

    SwiftIdeas AUTHOR 3 months ago
    Hi there, thanks!
    1) If you wanted we could provide some custom css to have the black bar always shown. Alternatively, we could plan in a feature request for an alternative display with the button below.
    2) There isn’t currently, but we’ll add this to the list for an update as an option.
    – Ed


    ace973 2 months ago
    3. Is it possible to have “add to cart” and “add to wishlist” always viewable (currently you have to hover over a product to see this option)?
    SwiftIdeas AUTHOR 2 months ago
    Hi there,
    1) Could be done with some custom css, can provide it.
    2) Yes, you can disable this in the theme options.
    3) Yes, this could be done with some custom css also.
    – Ed

    It would be nice to get that from here instead of requesting it via the themeforest forum

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    I’ll ask another support staff to help you out on that.

    Post count: 6

    I have the same question, is there any answer to it?

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    I forwarded this to Tahir, he will get back to you as soon as he can 🙂

    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    1. try this to fix the add to shopping bag in the fixed position.

    .woocommerce ul.products li.product figure figcaption { bottom: 0px; }

    if not working try this.

    .woocommerce ul.products li.product figure figcaption { bottom: 0px !important; }

    2. Open up the file \wp-content\themes\neighborhood\includes\swift-framework\sf-content-display\sf-products using your FTP in line #186 you found a line like this.

    $product_output .= '<span class="price" itemprop="price">'.$product->get_price_html().'</span>';
    after that add this line.

    $product_output .= '<a href='. apply_filters( 'add_to_cart_url', esc_url( $product->add_to_cart_url() ) ) .'> Add to Cart</a>';

    Change the Add to Cart text to your need.

    3. Try this for the color,

    .shop-actions .add_to_cart_button { color: red; }

    if not working try this

    .shop-actions .add_to_cart_button { color: red !important; }

    Let me know, what you got.


    Post count: 22

    And…this is one of those things where the manager changed his mind and decided he liked it the way it already was. Therefore, I’m resolving this post.

    Laranz, thanks for all the code

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Love it when that happens 🙂

    – Ed

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