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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #9162
    Post count: 23

    Hi again.

    I am having some issues regarding images loading within and re-sizing, specifically within IE 10, but sometimes in other browsers.

    See Homepage1.png (attached)
    In IE 10 the News images sometimes load and then more often than not they don’t. Sometimes when you refresh after they load, they disappear.

    See Homepage2.png (attached)
    Also on IE 10 if I resized the main homepage towards mobile format, there is a large area of blank space that appears below the news and the footer area. You have to scroll down quite a bit to get to the footer – note the page size on the vertical scroll bar. Is it possible for this to be removed or it this going to happen in between sizes?

    Revolution Slider (Various browsers)
    See Mediation_SliderSetting.jpg (attached)
    I’m having issues with in-between sizes (for browsers that can achieve this). This is with the revolution slider. Is there a way around this with the settings within the slider? Maybe % instead of a given size for specific window size?

    Accordion Tabs & Revolution Sliders
    See RoomLayout.jpg (attached)
    On the page above I have a series of accordions with revolution sliders within the these. Sometimes they load fine (mostly in Chrome) but other times, some load and some don’t (IE/Firefox).

    I know I have a few issues above and thanks for taking the time to read through this. Any help or thoughts on these issues is appreciated.


    Ben – SUPPORT
    Post count: 690

    1. This is really odd, the images load all the time when looking at the actual link but don’t on the page

    2. This doesn’t seem to be happening for me, there is a gap but that’s just between content. I don’t know what you mean by vertical scrolling

    3. Can’t replicate in any browser

    4. Can’t replicate in any browser

    Hopefully Ed will be able to replicate some of these issue with a possible fix


    Post count: 23

    Thanks for the reply Ben. Hopefully Ed can shine some light on it. Re: News images on homepage, yes its really odd. I thought it might be something to do with my test server hosting, but I migrated a copy of the site to another server and it is still doing this with IE.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    I think it’s actually an issue with IE. I can’t see any other reason why it would occur, and remember reading somewhere about it being a known bug.

    Do you have the latest version of IE10?

    – Ed

    Post count: 23

    Hi Ed, thanks for this update. Yes it does seem to be IE10, it is having the same issue with your demo site. IE10 is up to date as well

    Post count: 23

    Hi again Ed
    In relation to the IE10 image issue, would .(load) hack fix this?

    Fixing .load() in IE for cached images

    A further update for you. I got a developer we sometimes use to have a look at this and this is what he said and done:

    Accordion Tabs & Revolution Sliders
    See RoomLayout.jpg (attached)
    On the page above I have a series of accordions with revolution sliders within the these. Sometimes they load fine (mostly in Chrome) but other times, some load and some don’t (IE/Firefox).

    I think this issue is because the slider inits on document.ready event (the images may complete loading OR NOT). This slider gives each image width and height (css) when it inits. And in case the images haven’t completed loading yet, they will be given height=0 and won’t be visible. We have two ways to fix this:
    Using height: auto !important for all the images in these sliders. The slider will only adjust the width of the images and the height will be automatically adjusted accordingly. You should just make sure the images have the same size.

    The other issue with my sliders, overlapping, yep this was me, I needed to set slider setting to ‘Full Width’ and not ‘Responsive’.

    If you want me to supply the updated files for you to have a look please let me know.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi Mick,

    Thanks for the info. What changes did you make for this?

    – Ed

    Post count: 23

    Hi Ed, I’m not sure as its a developer who researched and implemented changes.

    Have you had any further thoughts on the IE10 image load issue?

    Post count: 23

    Hi again Ed, just another update re: IE10. I was looking into the images that I have been having issue with loading/re-loading. They are on following pages: (Team Page)

    What I see from the coding both are within <figure> and neither have alt= built into them. I wondering would it be something related to these? If I were to add an alt option to the single-team.php page, what would it be? And where else would I need to do this?

    Maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree here, but might be worth a look.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi Mick,

    Just taking a look here and can’t replicate it at all. Have had a browse around but not come across any loading issues at all. Very strange.

    – Ed

    Post count: 23

    Hi Ed, thanks for looking at this again.

    I’m afraid it still happening on all our system in-house. Our client and various associates outside our system have check this, plus your demo site and it is happening on both of these.

    I’ve been researching during the week but have still got no closer to an issue.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Is it occurring only on a certain operating system? Hopefully I can find the common setup for this issue occurring so that I can track it down and look into it properly.

    – Ed

    Post count: 23

    Hi Ed, thanks for the reply.

    Our in-house systems use Windows 7. Our client is using Windows XP. Both are showing this error.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi Mick,

    Been googling around this morning and can’t find a specific reason for this occurring, other than it being a general IE issue.

    Can you let me know any specific image instances that you can regularly replicate the issue, or is it completely random?

    – Ed

    Post count: 23

    Sure Ed, thanks for looking at this again.
    It happens to the ‘latest events’ section in your demo on the homepage (the News & Events section on my website – Then it happens in the ‘meet the team’ page in your demo (the About us page on my website – Its only happening on these pages at the moment. Would you like me to send through some grabs?


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