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  • #86344
    Post count: 205


    Just when I thought I’d got everything working (and thanks for all your help)… I’ve come across an issue.

    I’ve checked the demo and seen a few questions on this subject… but I feel i need to ask:

    On a portfolio – I’m just showing 9 items per page (36 in all) – Does the ‘filter our work’ just filter the work on that page – rather than all the paginated pages? If so – any way the filter can work across all pages? surely? Its totally misleading.

    Any help, again would be really appreciated


    Post count: 205

    Just read the Isotype pages, which is full of these requests… I feel i know the answer!

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Great !
    Thanks 🙂
    With Best Regards
    Swift Ideas

    Post count: 205

    Hey Mohammad

    Can I ask if you’ve tried to tackle this before?


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi David,

    Unfortunately it’s something that wouldn’t really be viable. Being able to load in items from other pages using the filter would mean needing to use AJAX every time a filter is selected. This would make the filter much less usable.

    The idea with having an option for pagination, and an option for the filter is to use one or the other, not both at the same time.

    Hopefully that clarifies it.

    – Ed

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