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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #7296
    Post count: 10

    Hi Support Team,

    I have noticed after the latest updated on the theme, sometimes it takes forever for the header to load on the page especially when you enter portfolio page. I attached a screenshot to show you the problem. Sometimes the header will eventually pop up, sometimes it never bothers to appear (*note: there is no issue with internet speed/connection). I hope I can get some insight here.


    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851


    Checked it in Firefox and Safari, it loads fine, although a bit slow (which can be due to image sizes or relatively slow hosting). First time it loaded in about 5 seconds (whole site), then on a force refresh it took almost 14 seconds.

    The header area isn’t really an issue with the theme – it’s just HTML markup and a logo image.


    Support Assistant

    Post count: 10

    I noticed it only not showing on Safari unless you refresh the page. I don’t think it is slow-loading, it doesn’t load correctly or doesn’t at all on my end. I will double check on hosting speed, but everything else loads fine; I assume speed isn’t the issue.


    Ben – SUPPORT
    Post count: 690

    It seems to be loading quite quickly for me, however you are loading 25 scripts in as well, as well as a few blocks from vimeo that might be causing the “slow” issue.


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