New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform Website performance & usability issues

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #70006
    Post count: 5

    Theme: Flexform 1.61
    WP Core: 3.9


    Thanks for this great theme. In the engine room we’re trying to ramp up the page speed performance and sort out other usability. Can you advise on the following please:

    1) Code optimisation
    What files must remain in the HTML header section? As there quite a high number of scripts and CSS files in the header, which are essential and must be in the <HEAD> and what we could put into the bottom of the <BODY> section.

    2) W3C errors
    There are several errors causes by the theme see

    a) Many errors are caused by the client image alt tags NOT being passed to the ‘Client – featured’ code block image links on the homepage (and other pages). This is then replicated throughout the website.

    b) An errant closing </P> tag is appearing in widget code blocks

    3) Minification
    We’ve tried a selection of minification plugins (we’re using Varnish server side so don’t want to use a general cache plug) Do you have a recommendation for a minification plugin that’s tested and works with Flexform?

    Please advise on the above fixes (we have a child theme active).



    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) The majority of things need to be in the head section for the theme to work, you may be able to remove scripts that you are not using.

    2) Thanks for letting us know, I will pass this onto the developer and hopefully get them fixed

    3) We recommend better wordpress minify or MaxCDN

    – Kyle

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Have added alt tags, thanks for pointing that out.

    The widget P tags wouldn’t be caused by our code though. What content are you seeing this in?

    – Ed

    Post count: 5

    Thanks guys, the errant P tag has gone – must have been cached… These were appearing in the footer widgets. So just those alt tags to reach W3C compliance. Testing Better WordPress Minify. It’s breaking on the CSS minify, so we’ll try and work out which stylesheets are causing the problem.

    Looking forward to more great themes from you – Thanks and keep up the good work.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    No problem, thanks for the kind words

    – Kyle

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