URL: http://www.assuredsale.com
Theme: Flexform 1.61
WP Core: 3.9
Thanks for this great theme. In the engine room we’re trying to ramp up the page speed performance and sort out other usability. Can you advise on the following please:
1) Code optimisation
What files must remain in the HTML header section? As there quite a high number of scripts and CSS files in the header, which are essential and must be in the <HEAD> and what we could put into the bottom of the <BODY> section.
2) W3C errors
There are several errors causes by the theme see
a) Many errors are caused by the client image alt tags NOT being passed to the ‘Client – featured’ code block image links on the homepage (and other pages). This is then replicated throughout the website.
b) An errant closing </P> tag is appearing in widget code blocks
3) Minification
We’ve tried a selection of minification plugins (we’re using Varnish server side so don’t want to use a general cache plug) Do you have a recommendation for a minification plugin that’s tested and works with Flexform?
Please advise on the above fixes (we have a child theme active).