Thanks Ed,
I just want to be sure everything is straightened out, I got this email (below) which link doesn’t exist any more but it seems to be from support and says the opposite. Please clarify, I selected this theme because it seemed to be regularrly updated.
Is swift ideas the creator of this theme or is it another independent person under the swift idea flag?
Does swift ideas plan to continue support and updates on the pinpoint theme for the foreseeable future?
Ben – SUPPORT wrote:
Hey ryan112ryan,
Sadly a theme from themeforest can be taken down due to the user no longer wanting to sell it. Depending on the authors preferences support and updates will be given.
Only normal circumstances;
Is this still supported? That depends on user, support might be given or charged.
Will there be future updates? Probably not, if an item is discontinued it probably won’t be updated, most themes shouldn’t struggle with most updates however.
What happens to my license? You still own the license meaning you can still use the theme to the license standards, if you need to learn more about licenses you can view it here
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