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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #43788
    Post count: 89

    Hi there,

    just two quick questions: Do I have to update Flexform manually or do you inform WP about the new version so that I can update the theme via the WP-dashboard?

    If I have to update manually, does it suffice to overwrite the files mentioned in the changelog on Themeforest?

    TIA and greetings,


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Hi Thorsten

    You have to download the latest update on ThemeForest, you can subscribe to get notifications via email when there is a new update.

    Yes the files will be overwritten, this is why we recommend using a childtheme if you want to edit any of the theme files.

    – Kyle

    Post count: 89

    Hi Kyle,

    I already have subscribed. Otherwise, I wouldnt be aware of the update. 🙂

    I am well aware that the files are overwritten on update. The question was, if it is sufficient to just change the files mentioned in the changelog. I only altered the header.php to prevent google-fonts from loading on IE8 (which still causes the theme to throw errors on IE8 btw.) and some of the social icons graphics anyway. I keep record of my own changes thoroughly, so no need for a child theme here. Nevertheless, just changing a handful of files seems like a lot less of a hassle than replacing the theme folder as a whole. I am running a business site and my boss doesnt like downtimes as well as he doesnt like sentences like: ‘Sorry boss, our site looks lousy right now, because I lost all the theme settings on the last greater update’. So again… does it suffice to just change the files mentioned in the changelog?

    TiA and greetings,


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    If you like you can just change the files mentioned in the changlelog, however I don’t understand why you would want to make your changes everytime you update the theme? This is what a child theme is for, what ever files you edit, you save int he child theme folder, and when you update the parent theme you get all the new features and your changes are still there.

    It makes much more sense to use a child theme.

    – Kyle

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