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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #43268
    Post count: 67


    I have a wordpress-website built using your flexform theme. I am very happy with it.
    Now, I am planning to add a shop to the site.

    So, I just discovered your Neighborhood theme and I particularely like that it has a shop functionality for woocommerce.

    This might seem a strange question:
    Can I transfer my flexform site to your neighborhood theme? Or how can i add the shop functionality to my site using your neighborhood theme?

    I’d be very grateful for any suggestions

    Regards & thanks

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    You could add WooCommerce to your Flexform site, however Flexform does not include the Swift Page builder Product Elements, so I would highly suggest purchasing Neighborhood or Dante, both of these themes have amazing shop features.

    You could install any of these themes and your website should still work fine, you may experience some issues but these will more than likely be easy to fix.

    – Kyle

    Post count: 67
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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    No it would not look exactly the same as your current site, however you could edit the css to make it look very similar to your flexform site.

    My advice to you would be:

    1) Create a backup of your sites files and database,
    2) Upload the files and database on a test domain, or locally.
    3) Install Neighborhood on your test domain.
    4) Compare the Neighborhood site to the Flexform site and amend the css to make them match.

    Hope this helps

    – Kyle

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