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  • Posted in: Nota
  • #316171
    Post count: 24

    I have been adding images to our clients website and wondered if there was a way to tidy up the images in the products page. The products are different shapes and sizes but is there a way to restrict the images in the product list to a set height and let the columns look after the widths.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Kind regards

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Stephen,

    Ideally, you want the images to be optimised for web before upload. If you have a set size/ratio the theme will crop/resize the image where possible.

    You can change the WooCommerce image sizes here: WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Display.

    You need to use this plugin to rebuild your thumbnails:

    Post count: 24


    Just so we have a definitive answer documented I had many images all different sizes and shapes. To get this working I changed the Woo Commerce Image settings to equal widths/heights so that my images displayed as a square. I then used this script in photoshop to batch process my images so they were all square (but still all different sizes):
    This adds extra canvas space to the images rather than cropping square.

    Once all my images were square I then batch processed them again to resize to 900px x 900px. All my images are now the correct shape and size.

    Hope this helps someone else in a similar situation.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Great, glad you got this sorted.


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