New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Site gone weird after update…

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #294894
    Post count: 37

    Hi there,

    My site has gone a bit strange after updating to the latest version of Cardinal, the text goes right out to the edge on this page and the spacing between rows is messed up on

    Could you please advise?



    Post count: 54


    I am seeing this as well, promo bars do not have full width anymore (seems like the option is gone?). RevSlider is not full width even though it is set to “Cover”. On some sites/pages I am finding the opposite where there is no padding anymore between edges.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Please confirm you theme is version 2.6.0?

    Post count: 37

    Yep 2.6.0, and I also updated the Swift Framework

    Post count: 54

    Yes theme version is 2.6.0 but reverting back to previous version for the theme/swift framework updates. Finding a new item with some columns overlapping each other in certain instances (noticed with portfolio overlapping text and with videos it is overlapping text as well).

    Post count: 54

    Some more information:

    As I am updating various sites, it doesn’t seem to be isolated to columns but more image elements, video elements, portfolio elements, and then there is the issue with text and images budding up to the edge or doing the complete opposite, putting padding when it is full width.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Will have to forward this situation to the development team.
    Let’s wait for the reply.


    Post count: 54

    Thank you for looking into it Rui

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hey guys,

    For any rows which need to be stretched to full width, you’ll need to edit them and set them to Full Width Stretched mode, see here:

    The portfolio issue will be resolved in an update later on today.

    Apologies for the inconvenience, but it’s a step we had to take to keep moving forward.


    – Ed

    Post count: 234

    Ed – Why can’t that setting be retained / transitioned when updating the theme? That could potentially be a lot of work. Thoughts? -Paul

    Post count: 91

    Hi Guys,

    Since the latest update, all swiftpage builder posts have now been stretched to full width.

    See here:

    and here:

    Even for rows that are set to “Standard Width” They’re being stretched to be full width.

    Similarly some row spacing is acting up weird.

    The Standard width we set at 1050px.

    Any help is very much appreciated.

    Kind regards,

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @manofmany,

    We have fixed this for the next update, going out shortly.

    – That setting is retained, or at least has been in our tests of our previous content transitioning to the new update, until the row itself is updated by a user, where the row width setting would need to be set again to one of the new values.

    – Ed

    Post count: 234

    In my testing the setting is retained, but look of the row drastically changes after updating the plugin. Post update, Full-width Stretched pushes row content to the edges of the window (see attachment swift-f-current.png). Before the update this content had padding between it and the left and right edges of the window (see attachment swift-f-old.png). If I attempt to change Full-Width Stretched to Full-Width Contained, the containing rows do not extend to the left and right edges of the window (see attachment swift-f-fullwidthcontained.png). In addition, making this one change on the first row appears to perform the same change to all subsequent rows. Full-Width Contained is not visually different than Standard Width. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.

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    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    @WESwift – Hmm. It looks as though you may have an old version of the theme. Is that content in a page, portfolio, or..?

    – Ed

    Post count: 91

    Hi Ed,

    I’m still experiencing the same issue even after the latest update which went out yesterday. All swiftpage builder posts have now been stretched to full width.

    See here:

    and here:

    Even for rows that are set to “Standard Width” They’re being stretched to be full width.

    Similarly some row spacing is acting up weird.

    The Standard width we set at 1050px.

    Any help is very much appreciated.

    Kind regards,

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