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  • #256427

    While creating a website I have encountered a couple of issues with your theme and am looking for some guidance.

    – I need to create product categories area with the masonry layout ( same layout as portfolio masonry ). Tried to use product block in page builder, and when I select asset type of Categories, all of the masonry items are stacked each on top of another.

    – Would like to extend the page builder, by adding a couple of additional modules to create some specific layouts, but could not find anything in documentation. How can I achieve this?

    – When I am creating two blocks (same page) with each containing one product carousel, after updating any products carousel again, one of the carousels is disappearing.

    – In single product page could not find an option to display number of reviews next to review stars under the main product title.

    Thanks in advance!

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) What page URL is that? – What Swift Framework version do you have?

    2) Are you looking to add your own shortcodes? If so, you can map those to our PB:

    3) Please add a WP login URL so I can replicate

    4) This is not currently possible.


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