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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #172505
    Post count: 4

    1. I noticed on the single product images that the additional images are not showing properly under the featured image. I have attached example of your demo and mine here

    I have also regenerate thumbnails. I’m I doing something wrong. I followed the documentation size requirement.

    2. After the theme install I noticed my site is just too slowwwwww. And I have Zencache plugin install which I think should have helped speed up the cache but no it didn’t.


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Regarding the issues:

    1) You should add more images to the product gallery.

    You should increase the Product Image Sizes in the Woocommerce settings, and after that regenerate the thumbnails.

    Check this article

    Product Image Quality

    2) Don’t know that plugin. The best cache plugins are W3Total Cache and WP Supercache.


    Post count: 4

    I added more to the product gallery and also update the woocommerce image sizes. Its still the same. When the page get loaded it shows ok and in 2 sec flips back to what it is here in the attached.

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    Post count: 4

    Also if I want to have a landing page like Selby. How do I go about that in the home page.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    What’s the issue? Gallery images seem fine to me

    – Kye

    Post count: 4

    Thanks Kyle,
    Its working great now. I had to delete the product magnifier plugin for it to work.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Here is the content of the Selby homepage. Create a new page and paste this code in the classic editor, then switch to the page builder mode.

    You will also need to adjust some meta options, like the Swift Slider at the top.

    Hope it helps.

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    Post count: 4

    Nope the code did not work.

    Selby landing page and From Coffee Landing Page are similar.

    1. What kind of header option did you use.

    2. Do I need a Swift slider for the landing page. I really don’t care about the other content under, What I’m really interested is the landing page on top.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    I created a draft page of the Selby Landing, check the meta options. Yes it’s necessary a Swift slider you. that page has all the correct options.

    Other thing that is different in Selby it’s the header type, but that is a global setting.


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