New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Bugs in 2.0 release.

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #146495
    Post count: 66


    So I just upgraded to 2.0 and found that
    1. Images aren’t appearing anymore
    2. SPB sections or Icon boxes are broken
    3. JS seems to be broken too as effects dont seem to be working

    Little help guys?


    Post count: 35

    I have the same problems with the latest version :(. I have also “lost” the blog posts and some boxed texts. I’m very worried, how can I restore the previous version of Cardinal?

    Post count: 66

    I’ve managed to restore to an earlier version via a backup (on WPEngine hosting) luckily.

    It seems the content is still “there” but just not loading.

    Post count: 41

    I just wanted to note that I’m experiencing the same problems and some additional ones:

    1. Swift Slider doesn’t work at all.
    2. The blog page builder widget is no longer displaying anything.
    3. When you go to click on a product, the cart button is off centered.
    4. The related images in my single product pages have disappeared.
    5. The promo bar can’t be set to full width.
    6. Section with animations have disappeared altogether.

    Post count: 66

    Another one from me:

    – The modal box when editing an element (such as text box, image etc) is much thinner and doesn’t make use of the screen size Im on. Makes it harder to edit pages and posts.


    Post count: 182

    All Posts Do Not Display in 2.0

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hey guys,

    Looking into these – thanks for posting, will be back to you shortly.

    – Ed

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    @rwolfenden – the modal we are tweaking based on the new styling, while there is more space to use, having too much width isn’t ideal. We will take feedback from users and adjust as desired however 🙂

    – Ed

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    @rwolfenden – can you provide a link for these? Testing here and can’t replicate many of the issues.

    – Ed

    Post count: 66

    Hey Ed, sorry – I’ve rolled back as i wanted to work on the site.

    I’m logged off now, can ping you a link and log in tomorrow?

    Post count: 35

    Another problem I have since upgrading it’s that the language menu no longer works, it loads perfectly before.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    @laiacg Can you link me to see this? Working fine here.

    – Ed

    Post count: 35
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    @laiacg – Just fixed a few issues – here is a new build:

    Please upload that and let me know.

    – Ed

    Post count: 181

    I will second rwolfenden

    Some of us are working on 30″ monitors with a resolution 2560X1600 (and thinking of going with 4K).

    The modal window in the new release is simply too small and not taking advantage of the space available. When using a 1170-1200 site width and are working with wider content it is simply inefficient and a waste of screen real estate on higher res dsiplays while the content crumbles down vertically and we engage in a scrolling spree.

    I am only testing the new build on a localhost setup now and decided to change it back to the previous settings by editing the

    page-builder.css file found at (\wp-content\themes\cardinal\swift-framework\page-builder\assets\css)

    You can play with the width by altering the following section:

    .spb_edit_form_elements {
        width: 80%;
        min-width: 600px;
        /*max-width: 800px;*/ (disabled this)
        margin: 5% auto; (changed 10% to 5% to center the modal on screen)
        padding: 0;
        background: #fff;
        border-radius: 3px;
        height: 80%;
        max-height: 80%; (changed 60% to 80%)
        overflow: hidden;
        position: relative;

    The same is true for the Custom CSS editor that is only using less than 1/3rd of my screen height. With 1000 lines of CSS (+ another 1000 that I moved to other css files) I am scrolling a lot. I will get down it but it needs more work to change its height. It is workable right now but certainly a compromise compared to having a height of lets say 680px instead of 480px.

    Now the real issue is how you the developers can balance efficiency between those using smaller screens and those that use the larger ones. In my opinion and given that resolutions are going to skyrocket (4K monitors, high PPI mobile devices) even more, this is something that needs careful consideration so there is scalability to take advantage of the much increased screen real estate.

    It is getting quite ridiculous to have a huge percentage of the web being displayed as a thin vertical stripe on modern desktops just because targeted resolutions of the previous years were 960px and the average PC monitor sucks real bad. At least “full-width” layouts somehow alleviate this issue but I am still noticing so many issues on high res screens even on Themeforest demos where art is tiled or content is split too far apart and sliders breaking. I can’t imagine what it is going to be like as more 4K monitors enter the market although it will take some time. Yet, it is sad how the PC as a platform is dominated but so many low resolution screens when prices of monitors are so low nowadays. And although not a MAC user, I am really happy to see Apple pushing the resolutions up on the desktop!

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