New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Theme Support Cardinal – Feature Request Smooth Scroll to account for fixed header

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  • #115175
    Post count: 7

    I noticed a spacing issue probably caused by shortening the height of the fixed header from it’s default – leaving a gap.(I think?)

    thanks for all your great support!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Yes if you’ve forced the header to be smaller in CSS this will cause the gap, as the JS uses the original header height. Unfortunately I can’t think of a fix for that either

    – Kyle

    Post count: 7

    Actually, I didn’t force the header height via css, but the header height was automatically generated by setting the max height of the logo and padding:

    could there be a piece of added js where it finds the height of the fixed header before it calculates how much to offset the top by?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    That should work fine, I thought you had forced the height in CSS. Let me check this for you

    – Kyle

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    It’s going to the right sports for me? (see screenshots)

    – Kyle

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    Post count: 7

    I think it might be specific to ‘Property Facts’ actually.. if you click ‘Read More’ or the second nav dot, it has that gap, but I tried clicking the nav dot again for property facts, and then it does go to the correct spot.

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Ahh yes it’s an issue with the links in a swift slider. I believe the developer has fixed this for the next update

    – Kyle

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