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  • in reply to: Smooth scrolling one page / anchors #95465
    Post count: 7

    That’s the first thing I did 🙂

    My solution:
    Meanwhile I found out that the problem lies with the video/parallax element stretching to a full height via animation. If I use a fixed content height as “Parallax Video Height”, it works!

    Sorry for taking a bit to respond.

    in reply to: Smooth scrolling one page / anchors #41706
    Post count: 7

    Thank you very much for the update and respone!

    It functions perfectly on normal pages. Great work 🙂

    However if I have a fullscreen video with a button overlayed (and using the naked header styling css) there’s an issue:

    The button appears, moving upwards (standard animation for parallax). Clicking it, the page will scroll down, but sadly past the anchor (scroll down way too much).

    How can that be fixed, any suggestions?

    (sorry the website is local for now, but a screenshot of the button is attached)

    Thanks in advance.

    in reply to: Smooth scrolling one page / anchors #40313
    Post count: 7

    Sounds great, thank you!

    in reply to: Logo resizing out of proportions #39597
    Post count: 7

    Sorry it’s a local dev website right now, so I can’t send the link just yet.

    However I found out that once the browser window was scaled down horizontally and the “mobile menu” kicked in, the zoom animation worked just fine. So I figured something was amiss with the full width menu or transition used. It’s really strange, but with the custom css above above it works for me.

    fyi it’s not a new wordpress install, I took over our old content via “wp clone”.

    in reply to: Logo resizing out of proportions #39409
    Post count: 7

    Alright, took me some hours but I found a workaround via custom css.
    Seems like the transition needs to be overwritten and fixed values for the zoom target (sticky-header-resized #logo img) entered. No clue why, but at least it works for me now in IE, Chrome, FF.

    #logo img {  
    	transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out!important;  
    .sticky-header-resized #logo img{
    height: 40px;
    width: 88px;
    in reply to: Logo resizing out of proportions #39391
    Post count: 7

    I’m having the same issue: The logo only rescales vertically and thus the small/mini logo is out of proportion and has the wrong aspect ratio.
    Is it possible that the “Logo Resized Width” value under the theme options was somehow forgotten?
    (Otherwise it should automatically scale in proportion and retain the correct aspect ratio)
    I removed all custom css just to be sure that nothing is interfering.
    Cant show my website, since it’s local. Thanks for any help in advance!

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)