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  • in reply to: Backround images shifting to the right #297863
    Post count: 10

    I updated to Version 2.5.18, but it’s still like this. I cleared my cache in both Firefox and Chrome, Safari still loads correctly. I disabled all plugins except Swift Framework and Redux Framework, and it didn’t affect the issue. I also deleted and reinstalled a fresh installation of the Uplift theme files from Themeforest.

    Any idea what’s going on?

    in reply to: Swift Framework issues with update #296341
    Post count: 10

    I haven’t seen a response yet. Can you please direct me to where I can download old versions of the themes/swift framework I mentioned in my original post?


    in reply to: Swift Framework issues with update #296114
    Post count: 10

    Here’s an update to #2:

    Looks like there’s negative margin and a “transform: translate3d” added to div.spb-row-parallax-layer that don’t match. See attached screenshot. This is happening on all Row elements that use a background image. I did update to Swift Framework v 2.5.16 also.

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    in reply to: Swift Framework issues with update #295874
    Post count: 10

    Here’s a list of issues I’m still seeing. Keep in mind, I manage 15+ websites that all use Swift themes, so these problems are affecting all of them. And I have to go to every page of every website to adjust page builder settings anywhere settings didn’t translate to the new format.

    I’m sure I speak for the majority of your customers in that updates should not break layouts that have been already customized to the point where we have to go into each page and re-customize them. In my opinion, these fixes should all be included with updated theme/framework plugin packages – NOT instructions on how to re-customize websites we’ve already built.

    1) Admin > Page > Edit Page converts Page Builder interface to Visual Editor with shortcode inserted.
    Solution proposed by support: “We migrated to a new meta key for the latest update, so that we can identify legacy installs. Once you re-enable the page builder on a page that will be all you need to do for that page. Any rows that are edited will need to be updated with the new options, but any not touched should be automatically adjusted to a corresponding new style.” I did as was instructed on the homepage of, but the background image on the Row isn’t full-width and the elements within rows don’t center vertically like they did before the update.

    2) There’s a blank space at the top of the page between the header and the content. I tried to pinpoint the issue, but as soon as I activate Firebug, the space disappears. I have “Remove Top Spacing” checked under Page Meta. This is something that just started happening after the update. Note: you may have to scroll down, then back up to see the space.

    3) Portfolio pages built using Page Builder now have sidebar showing over the top:

    There may be more, so I’ll keep an eye out and post again if I find anything. Thanks in advance for your help, and I hope my constructive criticism isn’t received negatively because you guys do amazing work!

    in reply to: Issue after update #295010
    Post count: 10

    Sorry, wrong screenshot for #1. Here’s the correct one.

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    in reply to: Issue after update #295006
    Post count: 10

    Hi Ed,

    Here’s an example, and all the pages using page builder seem to be in the same boat. I wish I had screenshots of what it should look like so you can see what’s affected. Here’s the link:

    Screenshot #1: When you first load the page/post editor. This specific instance is a Portfolio post-type.

    Screenshot #2: The live site after no changes other than the updated theme/framework

    Screenshot #3: The live site after switching to Page Builder, opening then saving the Row settings (no changes made) then hitting “update”

    Here are the version specs I’m currently running:
    Wordpress: 4.6.1
    Cardinal: 2.6.0
    Swift Framework: 2.5.13

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    in reply to: Issue after update #294987
    Post count: 10

    Hi, I’m having this issue as well. It looks like this happened across all of the websites I’ve built using Swift themes. I’m thinking it might be a Framework plugin issue. It seems like when the new options that were added, for some reason it automatically switches to the Visual Editor, then when you try and switch back to Page Builder, a bunch of the settings are reset to default.

    in reply to: Not reading custom CSS classes after update #294976
    Post count: 10

    I see, I apparently didn’t look deep enough into the code. Thank you!

    I also noticed the option for Display > Vertically Center isn’t there anymore, and was replaced by multiple options. How should the new options be configured in order to achieve the same result? A specific example would be on the homepage, the second row (with the eBook), I’d like to have the image and the text vertically aligned in the center.


    in reply to: Mobile shop shows every other Featured Product Image #279357
    Post count: 10

    Thanks Rui, that fixed it!

    Post count: 10

    That worked! Thanks 🙂

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