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  • in reply to: logo / (sticky) header #145372
    Post count: 105

    hi there,
    thank you for the Information!
    Can you tell me how to upload a different Image for the resized logo (which will be different from the ‘normal’ logo).
    I can enter a Logo Resized Width and Logo Resized Height, but can I also enter the URL or upload a different Image for the Resized Logo?

    Best regards

    in reply to: logo / (sticky) header #143021
    Post count: 105

    I will try it with a css media query, but perhaps you could add this in the backend in the future in the header section

    in reply to: logo / (sticky) header #143012
    Post count: 105
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    in reply to: logo / (sticky) header #142997
    Post count: 105

    hi kyle,

    yes because on the live site, it is still the old logo,
    because when I change the logo from rectangular to quadratical, it looks like in the slashed image I´ve made and posted in the first message
    best regards

    in reply to: logo / (sticky) header #142918
    Post count: 105
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    in reply to: lightbox / swipe doesn´t work #126563
    Post count: 105

    ok guess sth with the Caching, now there are more but with large gaps, will disable Caching (w3)…
    which Caching Tools are the best for dante?

    in reply to: lightbox / swipe doesn´t work #126561
    Post count: 105

    hi ed,
    I´ve one more question: I´ve now Disabled the Gallery Shortcode Override, and when I now just use the normal wordpress Gallery and also want to have the Pictures in 5 columns, it will always Show only 2 very Long columns.
    I´ve searched some time now, and everywhere I found that this Problem occurs when the theme has limitations for example of the Content width? Do you know, how it also will Show the Images in 5 columns when disabling your Gallery shortcode override?
    Do I have to disable there something more? in php files?

    best regards

    in reply to: lightbox / swipe doesn´t work #125967
    Post count: 105

    the normal wordpress Gallery appeared with the square Images, I turned on and off the Gallery overwrite in the theme Options and then all was fine again

    thank your

    in reply to: lightbox / swipe doesn´t work #125962
    Post count: 105

    hi there,
    thank you for the code, now there is no more error
    could you tell when swipe gestures will be available in your lightbox
    best regards

    in reply to: lightbox / swipe doesn´t work #125786
    Post count: 105

    hi there,
    thank you for the help,
    I only have the functions.php in the dante Folder,
    but when I put this code into this file at the end before php tag is closed, there is a Syntax error, and on my site Comes this: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘function’ (T_FUNCTION) in …..\wp-content\themes\dante\functions.php on line 323

    in reply to: lightbox / swipe doesn´t work #125569
    Post count: 105

    hi there, meanwhile as a Workaround, could you please tell me how to disable your/the themes lightbox, because if I use another plugin for lightbox, it always opens both lightboxes, your lightbox and the other plugin
    best regards

    in reply to: Parallax Scrolling on Mobile Devices #123644
    Post count: 105

    … or how could I give the element Image a mobile visibility, so that the Image element or parallax element isn´t shown on certain devices?
    I can only enter the shortcode in a normal text block, but there I can´t insert an animated Image or sth like this…
    in short: mobile visibilty for elements of the Swift page builder

    in reply to: Parallax Scrolling on Mobile Devices #123628
    Post count: 105

    hi there,
    which tool do you mean?
    But you can watch it on your demo page too, I tried every browser, but when resizing the window, if smaller then ~ 1024 px, parallax Scrolling is gone – only the normal Image then? in responsive.css are some css tags, but is there a simple Option to enable parallax Scrolling on mobile devices? best regards
    best regards

    in reply to: Parallax Scrolling on Mobile Devices #123213
    Post count: 105

    hi there,
    sorry right now still working localhost,
    but when you watch your demo and resize the browser window to mobile size, then you will notice, that parallax Scrolling isn´t available anymore and that the Images are much higher than in normal Desktop mode where parallax Scrolling is possible
    best regards

    in reply to: Parallax Scrolling on Mobile Devices #123171
    Post count: 105

    and when I try to give the parallax area an extra class Name, the site can´t be open, Server error

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 79 total)