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  • in reply to: Update Problem #265466
    Post count: 43

    I just re-uploaded the theme via FTP and now I am getting an error on the backend and can’t log into my dashboard:

    The page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.
    HTTP ERROR 500

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Update Problem #265417
    Post count: 43

    Okay – the calendar has been turned off since last week and I only have Slider Revolution as an active plugin and I am still having this issue. It is not just me – a colleague at another location mentioned it today and someone else did yesterday. This has to be a theme issue at this point and I need to get it fixed ASAP. When I switched to WordPress’ 2016 theme last week, the problems went away. What can I do? This has been going on for 3 weeks with no fix.

    in reply to: Update Problem #265213
    Post count: 43

    New password: gm&iBapeC%e9aL*9k38MjyX2

    in reply to: Update Problem #264885
    Post count: 43

    The calendar plugin has been deactivated since last week and the website is still having the issue. I don’t know if this helps at all, but Google flagged some issues – I don’t know if they are related (image attached)

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Update Problem #264681
    Post count: 43

    I am on a PC. I have also tested it on my phone (Samsung Galaxy) and get the error too. I get it logged in and out and know people at other locations are getting the error too.

    in reply to: Update Problem #264677
    Post count: 43

    Cleared my cache. Still getting the error in Chrome. Developer of the calendar is looking into it as well.

    in reply to: Update Problem #264371
    Post count: 43

    No the issue is not resolved. It is happening again even with the calendar plugin deactivated.

    in reply to: Update Problem #264333
    Post count: 43

    I am deactivating the calendar plugin again, but since the issue happens on all the pages, I am not confident that is the problem.

    in reply to: Update Problem #264330
    Post count: 43

    I removed the calendar and it took the problem away for a little but it came back, so I put the calendar back up. It happens on every page – not just the home page, which is the only one where the calendar is. I have had it on our About page, shop page, train page and pretty much every page.

    in reply to: Update Problem #264095
    Post count: 43

    I am still having this problem on my website, and I am now fairly certain it is something with the theme. I updated to WordPress 4.5.1 yesterday and the issue persisted. I went on the WordPress support forum and someone suggested I switch to the Twenty Sixteen WP theme and see what happened. The problem went away when I switched the theme and stayed away even after I reactivated most of my plugins. When I switched back to Dante, the issue came back immediately… I am not sure what is going on but I really need to get this figured out.

    in reply to: Update Problem #263628
    Post count: 43

    Okay thank you

    in reply to: Update Problem #263587
    Post count: 43

    Is there some kind of reason that since the updates the other week, most of my plugins, even those that have been updated to be compatible with WP 4.5, aren’t working? Is it possibly something with the latest theme updates?

    in reply to: Update Problem #263324
    Post count: 43

    I am taking down the calendar now.. It got glitchy with it

    in reply to: Update Problem #263323
    Post count: 43

    I have been having the problem in Chrome, too and on other pages as well. It is just odd that it comes and goes. I haven’t had a problem with just the 3 plugins I have active: the calendar, slider revolution and Contact Form 7. If I add anything else, it gets glitchy.

    in reply to: Update Problem #263312
    Post count: 43

    I don’t know why this is still happening

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