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  • in reply to: Edite footer html #153110
    Post count: 47

    Sorry, please disregard my earlier question. I have new issues:

    1.How can I fix “Click here to email us” to appear next to the icon?
    2. How can I align the 2 lines of address (i.e. move 2nd line to below text of first line
    3. How can I make the icons bigger?

    thank you!

    in reply to: Edite footer html #153101
    Post count: 47

    Hi Mohammed,

    I added the code, but now the text is in the wrong font. How do I keep the original font?

    in reply to: Subheader cut off on mobile #153064
    Post count: 47

    Here’s the site:

    in reply to: Slow Site #152888
    Post count: 47


    I’m using WP super cache, but when I check my site (, I’m still getting an F grade from

    I opened wp-config.php but don’t see where/how I can increase the memory. Can you please provide specific instructions?

    thank you.

    in reply to: Edite footer html #152887
    Post count: 47

    How do I add icons (like telephone) before the phone number?

    in reply to: Edite footer html #152069
    Post count: 47

    Where do I put the code? In the text box in the widget section?

    in reply to: Sidebar/footer color issue #152044
    Post count: 47

    How do I change the text color in the footer?

    in reply to: Submenu background on hover – color cut off on right. #152042
    Post count: 47

    I’ve added the following to my custom css, but the submenu is still cut off (link:
    Products > Accessories > Table covers & hanging banners

    nav.std-menu ul.sub-menu > li > a, nav.std-menu > > a > i {
    display: block;
    width: 100%;

    in reply to: Slow Site #152026
    Post count: 47

    1. My site,, is taking forever to load (almost 1 minute!) I tried making the thumbnails on the index page smaller via media > library > edit image > scale image > Apply changes to: thumbnail

    However, it resized the image on all pages so the image quality on the product page is quite poor. Do I need to make 2 sets of images (one for thumbnail and one for product) so that the page will load faster?

    Please provide suggestions on how to make the page load faster

    in reply to: category left sidebar not showing up #151002
    Post count: 47

    Thanks for your info. I have a couple more questions:

    1. My site,, is taking forever to load. I tried making the thumbnails on the index page smaller via media > library > edit image > scale image > Apply changes to: thumbnail

    However, it resized the image in all instances so the image quality on the product page is quite poor. Do I need to make 2 sets of images (one for thumbnail and one for product) so that the page will load faster?

    2. How can I shorten the space between the secondary header and the top of the content? On the product pages (such as there’s too much space above when the text starts.

    3. How do I add the footer info?

    4. Menu text cut off for Product > accessory > table covers. How do I make “table cover” show in whole?

    Thank you!

    in reply to: category left sidebar not showing up #150936
    Post count: 47

    I changed the search to portable, but now, random things that are not products are showing up. For example, if “portable” is searched (, if you click on 2 or 3 at the bottom, the results have nothing to do with the products. Is there a way for:
    1. Results to not show dates
    2. Results to show as image gallery (like products or home page) instead of individual post.

    thank you

    in reply to: category left sidebar not showing up #150919
    Post count: 47


    I was able to fix the left sidebar issue on my own. However, the search function does not work. When the magnifying lens on the upper right is clicked, the site shrinks, but there is no field for people to enter search words to search. What do I need to do for a search field to appear and for the search function to work?


    in reply to: category left sidebar not showing up #150098
    Post count: 47
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: category left sidebar not showing up #150092
    Post count: 47

    I don’t have the WooCommerce Sidebar in the widgets. I only see product categories, which triggers random categories that I don’t want.

    Where can I find the WooCommerce Sidebar?

    Also, the portfolio filter disappears when I tried adding category sidebar to my products page at:

    What do I need to do for the filter to appear at top?

    in reply to: category left sidebar not showing up #150075
    Post count: 47

    Here are my settings:
    WooCommerce Sidebar Config: Left Sidebar
    WooCommerce Left Sidebar: Sidebar One

    How do I add the categories to the WooCommerce sidebar?

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 47 total)