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Posted in: We hit Power Elite.
David, thanks for looking into that; it hadn’t occurred to me that it could be a conflict since it happened right after I updated the theme. FYI – I had a WooCommerce Product Tabs plugin that was causing the issue.
Thanks again for the assistance!
HeatherI totally missed that, Rui! Thank you very much for the quick solution. 🙂
Thanks, Rui. What you’re saying makes sense… and I know it doesn’t have anything to do with this specific theme, but it seems that would be the point of having a child theme, right? hah!
Anyway, all is working smoothly now, and I’m still in love with this theme. 🙂
That worked, Mohammad. I wonder why it won’t work in my child theme’s stylesheet, though?
Thanks again,
HeatherThe code is in my child theme’s style.css file.
Mohammad, I tried your code with no success. It’s still got a white background…
HeatherMohammad, here’s a screenshot of a live page with the icon box. As you can see, there is no background color; it should be showing up with a background of #e4e4e4 instead.
You must be logged in to view attached files.Kyle, I’m trying this with an icon box 2, but I can’t seem to get the background to change. I added this to my child theme:
.sf-icon-box.sf-icon-box-boxed-two .sf-icon-box-content-wrap { background-color: #e4e4e4!important; } .sf-icon-box.sf-icon-box-boxed-two .sf-icon-box-content-wrap h3, .sf-icon-box.sf-icon-box-boxed-four .sf-icon-box-content-wrap p { color: #000000!important; }
And in the customize window I’ve made sure “Boxed Content Coloured BG Color” is also set to #e4e4e4, but it’s still showing up as a white background for me.
You can preview it here:
(disregard the image banner. since it’s not responsive, I’m trying to replace with this icon box)
HeatherThanks for the suggestion, puntobiancosnc. I’m having the same issue with the image banners. I’ll try your workaround.
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, Rui. I read the changelog but wasn’t sure what version the theme supported. I’ll go ahead and update WooCommerce, then.
Thanks again!
Guys, WooCommerce is now up to v2.3.5; what is the latest version of WooCommerce supported by Neighborhood? And is there a sticky post for this info in the future?
HeatherThat fixed it; thank you, Mohammad.
Here’s the URL again without the brackets
Ah, I didn’t realize that. Thank you, Rui. 🙂
Following up : I tried re-downloading from ThemeForest, but I keep getting the 2.0.2 version of Cardinal. I’ve since replaced the site’s theme since I couldn’t wait. However, I have a cloned test site and will try my luck with the updated files once I get them.
Heather -
Posted in: We hit Power Elite.