You or me ? i don’t understand, sorry.
Yesn but even if we check the right meta, they don’t stay after an update of page.
Yes i know this but even if i check it and update my page, they are disable again. In 2.61, it was ok.
Ok, cool ! But why the post meta are disable default ?
ok, why video work now ? What did you do ?
Ok Ed,
i send you an emaiL with the access. So, i’ve a new problem too, look this page, the video 1/3 1/3 1/3 doesn’t work since the update :
hi Ed,
you can visit my website and view my problems : – (line 430…) – (filter doesn’t work) – in my back office, the meta doesn’t appear even if i mark them.
when can you resolve it ?
Thx – David
i’ve a lot of problem too on 2.62. I hope a solution asap ! otherwise, is it possible to downgrade to 2.61 ? I deleted this files.