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  • in reply to: Child theme #146981
    Post count: 115

    Hi Mohammad

    It’s working now, not sure what happened, it still said I had insufficient privileges and once again removed my menu links and reading settings, so I deleted the child theme using FTP, which broke the site completely, then uploaded the child theme zip again, once again it gave me the error about privileges, but when I went back into the dashboard the child theme was enabled so I reset the reading and menu and am now able to use the functions.php from your child theme.



    in reply to: Youtube embed #128200
    Post count: 115

    Excellent, thanks very much Ed.

    in reply to: Youtube embed #127795
    Post count: 115

    Come on Kyle there’s no point crying cause you didn’t read my support request properly <grin>

    in reply to: Youtube embed #127744
    Post count: 115

    Just to add, the main reason I purchased this theme is for the video functions and I only did so after asking support if self hosted videos and video support in general were supported, and I was told yes, & so far I haven’t had much luck with either, apologies for being blunt but this is really wasting my time.

    I have tried adding the video in a slide then adding that to the page, adding a video directly from your video element, I’ve used raw html, and code snippet, which by the way is the only one that has worked properly so far, but does not allow correct positioning.

    Can you explain how to get videos functioning properly, both self hosted and youtube and not just give me the quickest answer to part of my support request, or an answer that is completely irrelevent, and has not been tested by yourself.

    I’m starting to wonder if you guys get paid by the post.


    in reply to: Youtube embed #127730
    Post count: 115

    Ok forget the deny fullscreen command and the don’t show relevant videos command as these seem to be confusing the issue somehow, I’m not sure where autoplay came from, anyway as mentioned if I use the direct URL link from youtube, the video shows up, but the sizes I put in the size setting for the video element that I just sent you an attachment of get ignored.

    in reply to: Youtube embed #127722
    Post count: 115

    I don’t understand, then what is the point of the video element if half the settings are useless?

    see picture.

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    in reply to: Youtube embed #127717
    Post count: 115

    Hey Kyle

    If I use the link from the direct youtube URL, as in:
    it works but ignores the video size field and also the rel=0&fs=0 settings.

    in reply to: Swift Slider tags & self hosted videos #123748
    Post count: 115

    Thanks Rui, all sorted for now

    in reply to: Swift Slider tags & self hosted videos #123702
    Post count: 115

    Not the slider, I know that is a swipe event I meant the image in the slider is clickable, or was I have removed the a tag and had already closed the thread as solved.

    in reply to: Swift Slider tags & self hosted videos #123510
    Post count: 115

    Here you go Rui, just for you.

    Don’t say I never do any thing for you <GRIN>


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    in reply to: Swift Slider tags & self hosted videos #123477
    Post count: 115

    Ignore that last request my brain is dead after hunting down the correct tags to get the image and text in the slider to position correctly, I’ve just removed the tag, done, thanks.

    in reply to: Swift Slider tags & self hosted videos #123475
    Post count: 115

    Hi Rui

    never mind I sorted it using this code:

    [spb_blank_spacer height=”30px” width=”1/6″ el_position=”first”]

    [one_third] image goes here [/one_third]

    [one_third] text here [/one_third]

    [spb_blank_spacer height=”30px” width=”1/6″ el_position=”last”]

    Would be nice to have a reference, I’ve spent ages on this, doh!

    I’ll make a new thread for the self hosted video when I get to that bit, what would be good is if you…

    can you tell me how to make the image in the swift slider non clickable?


    in reply to: Swift Slider tags & self hosted videos #123442
    Post count: 115

    Hi Rui

    I figure if I start messing about with the CSS for the custom tags then the element is not going to be truly responsive so…

    What I really need is this

    if ( shortcode_select == ‘shortcode-columns’ && column_options == ‘one_six_one_third_one_third_one_six’ ) {
    shortcodeHTML = “[one_six]1/6 Text[/one_six]<br/>[one_third]1/3 Text[/one_third]<br/>[one_third]1/3 Text[/one_third]<br/>[one_six_last]1/6 Text[/one_six_last]”;

    You can kind of see what I am aiming at here


    in reply to: Swift Slider tags & self hosted videos #123215
    Post count: 115

    Ok I sorted it out I found all the TAGS here


    if ( shortcode_select == ‘shortcode-columns’ && column_options == ‘two_halves’ ) {
    shortcodeHTML = “[one_half]1/2 Text[/one_half]<br/>[one_half_last]1/2 Text[/one_half_last]“;

    if ( shortcode_select == ‘shortcode-columns’ && column_options == ‘three_thirds’ ) {
    shortcodeHTML = “[one_third]1/3 Text[/one_third]<br/>[one_third]1/3 Text[/one_third]<br/>[one_third_last]1/3 Text[/one_third_last]“;

    if ( shortcode_select == ‘shortcode-columns’ && column_options == ‘one_third_two_thirds’ ) {
    shortcodeHTML = “[one_third]1/3 Text[/one_third]<br/>[two_third_last]2/3 Text[/two_third_last]”;

    if ( shortcode_select == ‘shortcode-columns’ && column_options == ‘two_thirds_one_third’ ) {
    shortcodeHTML = “[two_third]2/3 Text[/two_third]<br/>[one_third_last]1/3 Text[/one_third_last]“;

    if ( shortcode_select == ‘shortcode-columns’ && column_options == ‘four_quarters’ ) {
    shortcodeHTML = “[one_fourth]1/4 Text[/one_fourth]<br/>[one_fourth]1/4 Text[/one_fourth]<br/>[one_fourth]1/4 Text[/one_fourth]<br/>[one_fourth_last]1/4 Text[/one_fourth_last]“;

    if ( shortcode_select == ‘shortcode-columns’ && column_options == ‘one_quarter_three_quarters’ ) {
    shortcodeHTML = “[one_fourth]1/4 Text[/one_fourth]<br/>[three_fourth_last]3/4 Text[/three_fourth_last]”;

    if ( shortcode_select == ‘shortcode-columns’ && column_options == ‘three_quarters_one_quarter’ ) {
    shortcodeHTML = “[three_fourth]3/4 Text[/three_fourth]<br/>[one_fourth_last]1/4 Text[/one_fourth_last]“;

    if ( shortcode_select == ‘shortcode-columns’ && column_options == ‘one_quarter_one_quarter_one_half’ ) {
    shortcodeHTML = “[one_fourth]1/4 Text[/one_fourth]<br/>[one_fourth]1/4 Text[/one_fourth]<br/>[one_half_last]1/2 Text[/one_half_last]“;

    if ( shortcode_select == ‘shortcode-columns’ && column_options == ‘one_quarter_one_half_one_quarter’ ) {
    shortcodeHTML = “[one_fourth]1/4 Text[/one_fourth]<br/>[one_half]1/2 Text[/one_half]<br/>[one_fourth_last]1/4 Text[/one_fourth_last]“;

    Now it’s looking OK would be good with bit more control for the placement of the text, is it possible to use CSS for custome tags if so it would be great if I could nudge the [/one_half_last] over a bit, but only in my interface tour slider, any ideas? thanks.

    in reply to: Swift Slider tags & self hosted videos #123211
    Post count: 115

    To elaborate a bit more, in one of your demos in the slide content tab there are some tags, [two_third] [/two_third] [one_third_last] [/one_third_last]

    I understand that these position the elements within the slider, I would like to know what other options I can use, the two third option is not good for my slides as it places the elements too far apart I need them to be together in the middle.

    I have looked through the documentation and cannot find a reference to these tags anywhere and it would be appreciated if someone can link me to, or tell me the options that I can use for spacing the items withing your slider.

    I have 21 slides to add to an interface tour that I would like to get done so I can work on the rest of the home page, I do not want the images as a background as I would prefer them as you have them in your demo.

    Also where is the import media button in the slide content tab? I cannot seem to find it anywhere.

    Thanks. Shane.

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