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  • in reply to: Order summary page blank?? Urgent!!!! #34380
    Post count: 143

    Laranz I just upgraded the theme so I don’t know if your changes are now current.

    I made a lot of changes to the theme files which I will have to redo so I am putting the site back in maintenance mode. You can still tinker in the back end of course with the credentials I gave you.

    I installed the child theme to avoid this but it’s only a style sheet. How do I use the child theme to customise other pages such as the product page? Do I just create a page the same as the name of the one I am replicating with the new code in it?

    in reply to: Order summary page blank?? Urgent!!!! #34340
    Post count: 143

    Ok, as you can imagine I am actively missing out on many sales due to this error. Some customers are contacting me directly to find alternate ways to purchase but how many others are just abandoning the cart and walking away?
    It’s pretty terrible, I cannot run my business and I’m losing money.

    Please help urgently. Every day this lags is a day I miss out on sales.

    in reply to: Order summary page blank?? Urgent!!!! #33704
    Post count: 143
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    in reply to: Sidebar Menu Hover Zooms on Product #29960
    Post count: 143

    Today it’s happening if I hover over product details! I love this theme so much but boy I have never had so many issues with any theme in my life. What a beast it is.

    in reply to: Additional Information not loading for one product #29659
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    in reply to: Sidebar Menu Hover Zooms on Product #29657
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    in reply to: Price change in product page on variation selection #29458
    Post count: 143

    Ok another update. I FOUND THE PRICE, it was just WHITE so I couldn’t see it against the page background.

    Man. I did not have to go to all that trouble to break my entire bloody WooCommerce and Neighborhood installation and then painfully fix it all.

    Remember that “big gap” I was complaining about after removing the quantity buttons? IT WAS IN THAT GAP. Why on earth was it white? I’ve updated the css to make it black now, but seriously. I don’t know how my price was white but I will say this – the Neighborhood demo doesn’t appear to have any products with variations in it so that I could test and see where this price should be popping up. That’s really poor form – I might have found this sooner and not spent four hours breaking and fixing my site.

    in reply to: Price change in product page on variation selection #29450
    Post count: 143

    Okay I reinstalled Neighborhood and it’s pretty much fixed again.

    But the pricing issue remains.

    Since WooCommerce is free I can’t get support from WooThemes as I haven’t paid for anything from them. Where can I go to get this pricing problem sorted? My developer is ignoring my e-mails and I don’t know anyone else who knows WooCommerce to help me fix it.

    in reply to: Price change in product page on variation selection #29437
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    in reply to: Remove all content/element backgrounds #29377
    Post count: 143

    THANK YOU!!!!!!! <3

    in reply to: Price change in product page on variation selection #29075
    Post count: 143

    I have just reinstalled twenty ten and loaded a product page with a variation product. There is no price at all! So is this an issue with my installation of woo commerce?

    in reply to: Price change in product page on variation selection #29063
    Post count: 143

    What default theme? Default wordpress theme? I deleted twenty ten/eleven/twelve/thirteen. But I can reinstall one if that’s what you need me to do.

    in reply to: Remove quantity selector from product page only #29039
    Post count: 143

    Hi Tahir doesn’t appear to work and I have definitely emptied my cache on this one!

    in reply to: Remove all content/element backgrounds #28997
    Post count: 143

    All I’m really asking is for the white background on the header and top nag to be transparent. It’s an issue you specifically have addressed before on another support thread offering the code

    #header-section {
    background: rgba(255,255,255,0.1);

    but this code hasn’t worked for me.

    So it’s an issue you’ve been prepared to resolve in the past – but that thread never had a response from the OP so it was never actually resolved.

    I see you guys offering lots of simple css support for stuff not “built into the theme”, and you’re always so helpful for such basic stuff… to be honest I’m a bit surprised that removing a background colour is too complicated!

    in reply to: Remove quantity selector from product page only #28995
    Post count: 143

    Hey Tahir, that’s weird because I did clear the cache (I thought) but it was still happening. Not anymore though I made sure to specifically remove my URL from the list maybe that was why.

    Any tips on closing that gap though?

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