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  • in reply to: Product Category filtering #291841
    Post count: 7

    Oh dear, I seem to be wasting your time – as I’ve found these settings in the Theme Options. Very sorry about that.

    One more thing, however… the product category / sub category pages seem to be displaying a bit oddly – please see the attached image. The width of the image seems correct, but the width of the hover state/category name is set to be full width. Please could you advise where I go to tidy the CSS up for this?

    Many thanks (again!)

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    in reply to: Product Category filtering #291824
    Post count: 7

    Hello. I think I answered my own question in the Woocommerce > Products > Display settings, so now I have my categories/sub categories appearing as planned.

    Based on this, please could you advise what pages I should be amending to alter the layout (eg, using three columns instead of two, and realigning the hover states?)

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Demos not uploading #262370
    Post count: 7

    Hi there. thanks for the info. The error that was coming back was:

    mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error: Class ‘DOMDocument’ not found in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 61, referer:

    So I looked on the PHP server settings and activated the ‘DOM’ object, and it worked! I can’t really explain the 500 error – the logs showing it was reset by peer, but I just kept trying and it all eventually worked ok. All the demo data is in there now.

    Thanks for your time.

    in reply to: Modal Problem #236384
    Post count: 7

    Thanks for your response.

    Hmmm.. it’s a bit of an odd one. Your tests work, and if I do my own tests on a blank page it works, but as soon as I put it on a page built in Swift builder, it doesn’t.
    The only shortcode I’m using on the page is for WP-Trigger, but this is working on my test ok, so I don’t think it’s that.

    However… I think I’ve found the problem out….!

    If I put the modal buttons in Swift Builders ROWs, the modals do not work correctly.

    But if I DON’T put them in a ROW, then they work fine.

    Here’s a test:

    The first two buttons are IN A ROW element/layout, and the bottom two are not (which work).

    At least if I know where the problem is I can work around it, so hopefully this might put you on the right track for a future fix?

    Thanks again for your time!

    in reply to: Modal Problem #236182
    Post count: 7

    Hi there. Many thanks for your response and the theme update. Unfortunately updating the theme and WordPress didn’t work – the modals still appear behind the fade! 🙁
    I’ve also lost all my footer information since updating! Oh dear!

    Is there anything else I could try? Any fancy CSS fix?

    Thanks again

    in reply to: Place Homepage RevSlider behind navigation header #213487
    Post count: 7

    That’s the ticket! Works great! Many thanks!

    in reply to: Place Homepage RevSlider behind navigation header #213461
    Post count: 7

    Hi there. Thanks for your response. Yes, this is, and always has been turned on. Opacity set to 35, too. 🙁

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)