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  • in reply to: Keep Search Box Open #55352
    Post count: 39

    Thanks for the prompt reply! That CSS keeps the search field open, but it overlays the text below the header/ is below the menu. Is there a way to keep it on the same line as the search icon?

    in reply to: Search Results Page Layout & Search by Tag #45386
    Post count: 39

    Thanks for the reply!

    1) Yes, this is for product search results. We’d just appreciate being able to search by taxonomy like product tag and/or product category, which are more useful to customers than searching for a product name (especially when you have creatively named products).

    2) We actually paid for a plugin that does this (Woocommerce Predictive Search — which is awesome), but it doesn’t integrate into the Ajax search you implemented into Neighborhood. It creates it’s own search field, which is awkwardly placed.

    We don’t mind if it changes all search results page, since we’d prefer that search results pages all look the same — similar to the product category page or when you click on a product tag link:

    Could you please let us know how to change the search results page to look like the above?

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Product zoom procedure #35195
    Post count: 39

    I’ve had this same problem, but your post trailed off.

    Can you please post the code you used to help others who are searching for answers in the forum? You can use the “code” tag so it will display properly. Are any of the theme admins helping with this issue? Would be great if we can get a quick answer.

    in reply to: Super Search / Personal Shopper by Tags #19933
    Post count: 39

    Thanks for getting back to me. To clarify, this would not be a “customization” just for us — it would benefit many other shops using this theme (and possibly add to sale conversions to those on the fence buying the theme).

    Gravity Forms Product Add-Ons is a popular (and core) Woocommerce plug-in used with more robust shops. I understand your team may be swamped, but I encourage you to pass this onto Ed for consideration into a near future update or posting to this forum so this great feature doesn’t go to waste.


    in reply to: Replace search menu with Predictive search plugin #19754
    Post count: 39

    That’s disappointing. It doesn’t make sense to hire a developer for 2 minutes of work. This thread started almost a month ago and could’ve been easily solved if we were just given a clear answer with the small bit of code to find and replace and the correct name of the file to be changed in the beginning.

    In our previous theme, the developers helped with this small bit of code (literally 1 line) and it was helpful for tons of people who purchased their theme.

    in reply to: prettyPhoto lightbox fullscreen background color change #19517
    Post count: 39

    Hi —

    I have the same question regarding Neighborhood: I want to change the hover-state color for lightbox images. I tried tinkering with the CSS after Ed’s input, but to no avail.

    Instead of the accent color, I’d like to be able to nominate a different color for the image rollover state.

    I appreciate any help that you can provide.

    (Apologies if I’m asking for help in the wrong sub-forum, but it seemed the best place for it.)


    in reply to: Replace search menu with Predictive search plugin #19231
    Post count: 39

    Thanks, Melanie. That’s getting closer. The only issue now is it moved the search to the left under the main menu. Also, there seems to be a conflict with the native Neighborhood plug-in search page and Predictive Search plug-in search page. It now gives a 404 error.

    in reply to: Page Meta/Options won't save – driving me nuts! #19229
    Post count: 39

    Hmmm…that didn’t work. We have a few other issues, as well (such as the “returns & exchange” pop-ups on the checkout page not functioning), which we’ll put together in a private post shortly. We appreciate the help!

    in reply to: Page Meta/Options won't save – driving me nuts! #19218
    Post count: 39

    Thanks for the prompt reply! We’ll try this fix later today.

    Not all the permalinks are reverting to the homepage — only the products we edited after changing our theme to Neighborhood. This wasn’t an issue until installing Neighborhood. We love the theme so far, there are just a few little issues like this that can hopefully be sorted out relatively fast.

    in reply to: Page Meta/Options won't save – driving me nuts! #19211
    Post count: 39

    Is it possible to get a fix for this before the update is available (or let us know when the update will be available)?

    Some of us are transferring content from other themes (like Maya) and creating new pages for 200+ existing product pages isn’t an option.

    Right now, if any changes are made on a product page, not only does the meta options not save, but that product will only link back to the homepage from the store catalog instead of opening the proper product page.

    Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: Replace search menu with Predictive search plugin #18245
    Post count: 39

    I’m sorry, I don’t understand your answer.

    To clarify my request, I don’t want a search widget. I’d like to replace the current search in the header with the Predictive Search Plug-in. I am able to do that in the header of my previous theme (Maya) with the following code:

    <?php if(function_exists(‘woo_predictive_search_widget’))woo_predictive_search_widget(5, 0,
    5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 100, ‘padding-bottom:20px;width:220px;float:left;’, 0);

    Thank you

    in reply to: Replace search menu with Predictive search plugin #17788
    Post count: 39

    Sorry, but that didn’t work. When I replace:

    $menu_full_output .= ‘<li class=”menu-search parent”><i class=”icon-search”></i>’. “\n”;


    <?php if(function_exists(‘woo_predictive_search_widget’)) woo_predictive_search_widget(); ?>

    I get a parse error.

    in reply to: Replace search menu with Predictive search plugin #17478
    Post count: 39

    Thanks for the clarification on the page. There are several areas that note “search” in that file. Where exactly should this code for Predictive Search go in the sf-header.php file?

    <?php if(function_exists(‘woo_predictive_search_widget’)) woo_predictive_search_widget(); ?>

    This is a pretty common plug-in for Woocommerce stores, so I’m sure other people who bought the Neighborhood theme would really benefit from this explanation. Appreciate it!

    in reply to: Replace search menu with Predictive search plugin #16946
    Post count: 39

    I’m looking to implement the Predictive Search plug-in, as well. I can’t find the file “theme-class.php” that you referenced. Can you please be more specific where that file can be found (i.e. “includes/theme-class.php)


    in reply to: Page Meta/Options won't save – driving me nuts! #16945
    Post count: 39

    I’m having this same issue — I’ll check a box to show sidebars, save the post and that box is unchecked. Did you resolve this issue?

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