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  • in reply to: Remove automatic (enormous) thumbnail image #61900
    Post count: 11

    I figured it out. If anyone else is curious, when you edit each post, at the bottom, underneath where you choose a thumbnail for the post, right under that choose NONE and the awful READ MORE graphic goes away.
    Probably you couldn’t see it Mohammad because I fixed it 🙂
    Thanks for your help though!

    in reply to: Remove automatic (enormous) thumbnail image #61450
    Post count: 11

    especially on this page! eeeeek! it looks so bad! turn it off!

    in reply to: Remove automatic (enormous) thumbnail image #61446
    Post count: 11

    I am also wondering on this issue.
    Here is a link to my website.
    the “READ MORE” image is HUGE when it is in the standard layout and it is all blurry. is there a way to make the default image just the first image in the blog post instead?

    in reply to: Contact form not lining up #45667
    Post count: 11

    I think there’s been a misunderstanding.
    It’s the RADIO buttons and CHECK BOXES. The label for the radio button instead of being directly to the right, is kinda to the right and down. There is going to be a list of about 20 check boxes at the bottom of the list. the label is so far below the box, that I’m worried people will think it’s supposed to go with the box below instead of above.
    Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: Portfolio Media Size #45444
    Post count: 11

    Hey Kyle that IS SUPER HELPFUL! This is exactly what I was looking for. How do you save the file in a child theme? Is that somehting you do inside wordpress or directly via the ftp thing? (sorry I don’t know too much technical stuff) ALSO, there is the col-sm-3 a few times throughout that .php. do I change it to col-sm-4 in every place, or just the one directly after the col-sm-8….
    If I change it to even lower like 6 (so it’s half the page, does that col-sm-3 need to be 6?, am I understanding that they add up to equal 12?)

    in reply to: Portfolio Media Size #45443
    Post count: 11

    Hey Kyle that IS SUPER HELPFUL! This is exactly what I was looking for. How do you save the file in a child theme? Is that somehting you do inside wordpress or directly via the ftp thing? (sorry I don’t know too much technical stuff)

    in reply to: Portfolio Gallery Basics #43311
    Post count: 11

    O MY GOSH EVERYONE! I figured it out!
    So if anyone else comes along later HERE IS WHAT YOU DO!
    You have to add a new portfolio for EACH PICTURE OR ITEM that you want showcased. This is what was confusing me. I was thinking of the portfolio as a collection of things.
    So you add like 5, 10, 20 how ever many items you have, one at a time into the portfolio, and set the featured image you’d like shown on your “portfolio page”
    Then go to the pages and add a “portfolio page” (I’m actually using it for a “testimonials” page.
    Use the swift page builder, choose portfolio, choose all your options, and then when you preview your page, you should be able to see all your different portfolio items show up.
    Not sure why this was SO confusing for me, but it was.
    Once you grasp that concept, all the rest of these comments are pretty helpful!
    Thanks everyone! let the good times roll!

    in reply to: Portfolio Gallery Basics #43310
    Post count: 11

    I guess I’m confused. Where do you upload pictures so you can choose them during the steps that FranM mentions (which by the way were super helpful!)? To the gallery OR the portfolio OR the media?

    in reply to: Portfolio Gallery Basics #43307
    Post count: 11

    That’s kinf of helpful. But where do I upload my pictures to be sure they show up in the gallery. On the options when I go to edit the portfolio widget, “All” is selected (that’s my only option available) but still non show up, even though there are about 20 photos uploaded in my gallery.
    My page looks like this when I do that. Still not able to figure out where to add pictures, and how to link them to this portfolio widget,

    in reply to: Portfolio Gallery Basics #43115
    Post count: 11

    Can we define portfolio posts? It seems I can add a new portfolio under that drop down menu, but how to I add pictures to it and have them show up like the portfolio.
    I’m still ending up with the same result as the second screen shot in my previous post by doing those steps you mentioned. By setting a “featured image” I still never have the option to have a page full of images, and what not. UGH! So confused.
    Is there a STEP BY STEP for this. From the very first step to the end. I’ll start from scratch! From WHERE to upload the pictures in the first place, to whether you are supposed to create a new page or portfolio or gallery, and which comes first and which one you add to what?
    Am I the only one totally confused by all this?
    This is what I got when I followed your steps:

    in reply to: Portfolio Gallery Basics #41226
    Post count: 11

    So… I guess I’m still confused.
    I want it to look like this page:
    So I made a new portfolio page
    (attachment #1)
    and then I added the portfolio template from the swift builder
    (attachment #2)
    but when i go into the edit thing on that, it doesn’t give an option to upload photos.
    I tried uploading photos below the editor
    (attachment #3)
    I’m sure I am missing a step.
    Can I get a step by step on this?
    What am I missing? Where do I upload photos?
    so my page can look like this:
    and not like this:
    (attachment #4)

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