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  • in reply to: Button Text Link colors #68157
    Post count: 29

    Hi Kyle,

    Sorry for the confusion. That worked!! However on my forms for those submit buttons I still am having the issue with the hover state going to black because of the theme settings I think. But I’m not sure why. Here is the html code from that submit button:

    <input type="submit" id="gform_submit_button_2" class="button gform_button" value="Submit" tabindex="21" onclick="if(window[&quot;gf_submitting_2&quot;]){return false;} window[&quot;gf_submitting_2&quot;]=true; ">

    Any thoughts as to why that submit button would still be going to black on hover?

    Thank you,


    in reply to: Button Text Link colors #67814
    Post count: 29

    the index is also causing me a problem with the login button to the right. when it goes to hover its going black when its suppose to go white. the only thing i can trace it back to is css code showing up on the index page.

    in reply to: Extra Class not working #67755
    Post count: 29
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    in reply to: Button Text Link colors #67739
    Post count: 29

    You will see when you goto that link that the rollover only completely works if i’m also hovering directly over the span text tag as well as the button.

    in reply to: Button Text Link colors #67737
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    in reply to: Extra Class not working #67734
    Post count: 29

    yeah that doesn’t work at all. I’ve tried it multiple times in different areas.

    in reply to: Button Text Link colors #67733
    Post count: 29

    I’m setting it up to go from dark to white on hover. not white to dark. That was my whole reason for getting support. Due to the span tag it is not doing a full color change on the text on hover.

    in reply to: Extra Class not working #67448
    Post count: 29

    How is the correct way to do it? I assume you place a text name into the extra class box “something” and then in your style sheet put ” .something { color:#fff;} “do you not?

    in reply to: Remove Jobs #63883
    Post count: 29

    No I need to completely remove the job’s aspect of the dante theme. I need to use WP Job Manager because I need to incorporate a interactive map like this one on jobify theme:

    That uses WP Job Manager and Geo my WP.
    Unless I can have a interactive map like that one with your theme and job listings?

    Thank you,


    in reply to: Remove Jobs #63434
    Post count: 29

    I’ve done what you’ve suggested but once I uncomment these two lines:

    //require_once( SPB_SHORTCODES_DIR . ‘jobs.php’ );
    //require_once( SPB_SHORTCODES_DIR . ‘jobs-overview.php’ );

    In order for the new jobs.php to function the theme reverts back to using the job listings in dante and not the job listings from job manager.

    in reply to: Remove Jobs #63416
    Post count: 29


    I’ve determined if I comment out these two lines from spb-includes.php

    //require_once( SPB_SHORTCODES_DIR . ‘jobs.php’ );
    //require_once( SPB_SHORTCODES_DIR . ‘jobs-overview.php’ );

    then it now pulls the jobs from WP Job Manager instead of Dante. However there is one problem

    If I click on a job with the dante theme active from WP Job manager it just gives a black page for the actual job details. It wont let me go into the job descriptions.

    How can this be fixed it seems related to dante theme.

    in reply to: Remove Jobs #63392
    Post count: 29

    Hi Mohammad, Thanks for getting back to me. I’ve tried both things you’ve suggested and both at the same time. This appears to have removed your job option from the admin area to where its not on the side panel. But when using the shortcode [jobs] it is still pulling up jobs from your listings and not the jobs from the listings within the WP-Manager. The second sent of code you provided I placed in both the funtions.php and the swift-framework.php and got the same results doing what I just said.

    Maybe there is something else I still need to do somewhere?

    Thank you,


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