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I was able to hide them in mobiles using the following code
/* elimina related items en moviles*/ @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) { body.single-portfolio div.related-projects{display:none} }
@Mohhammad. It was worth a try ๐
Is it possible to hide the related items in the mobile version only?
Please see attached image.
In htis same page
How can I make the related projects half their size. Instead of errasing.
Iยดll do as you say.
Thank you very much. I have done so much things to the site that really don’t remeber whats is custom and what not.
So thanks very muech. It worked great.
This reply has been marked as private.Hi
Yes the customs CSS were there and deleting it returned the Share this text. All of the chabges that I have done, where done upon the help from the SWIFT support team.
Either way, How can I delete the line above the Share this text, leave everything in one line and align the Share this to other text in pages.
Gonzaloyes ๐
Yes that did the final job
Now everything works ok, even in chrome. Leaving the final code for some one else.
/* alinea al centro punto de sliders proyectos*/ article.type-portfolio .flex-control-nav { width: 100%; left: 0; text-align: center; padding: 2; margin-left:4px; } article.type-portfolio .flex-control-nav li { float: none; margin-left:4px; } /* cambia color de punto de sliders proyectos*/ .flex-control-nav li a { background: #ccc; opacity: 1; -moz-opacity: 1; filter: alpha(opacity=100); } .flex-control-nav li a.flex-active, .flex-control-nav li a:hover { background: #8c8c8c; }
Yes !!
Thanks. It’s solved.
Thanks Mohammad. That did the job with the portfolio filter. Still the dots in chrome to go. Will wait to hear what the developer has to say ๐
By the way it might have something to do with this same issue I have with the portfolio filter in the home page
OK Thanks
Iยดm on a PC using Windows 7 Home Premium
Its only visible in the homepage when the slider is loaded. On other pages there is no slider so the background is white. It’s there but you canยดt see it.
Kinda spooky
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