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  • in reply to: Would like to hire you to install demo content on my server #37772
    Post count: 2

    Hi Melanie,

    thanks so much for getting back to me. You find me in a dark place (the engine room of this theme, where the sun seemingly never shines). Went to a place with better connection and managed to install the “full” thing by following all instructions in the documentation, without getting any error. And I did see the sun for a brief moment, but then…

    I got a FontDesk account and copy-pasted all entries multiple times but I can’t get Din Text Pro to show up. All pages with masonry and mini show no content. Only the ones with standard work. Unfortunately masonry was the layout I was going to use. “Blog – Standard with no sidebars” posts show up, but pagination is broken. Nothing loads on any page after page 1. Strangely enough, making a tag search displays the results in masonry style. (Is this theme trying to mock me?) Those beautiful backgrounds patterns in slider and header don’t show up either. I was at least hoping for those. It seems everything is broken on this theme, and I don’t even know where to begin.

    If I could only get the latest posts in masonry style to show up on my home page, that would be a start. I feel like an idiot. I wrote eccesso with a quote request for installing the demo a couple of days ago, but he hasn’t responded so far. Think I need to take a couple of days break from the site again, just so I don’t start hammering my wrench against the engine block out of rage and frustration. I never finished MYST, so that says something about the amount of fun I have with puzzle solving.

    My site is here, btw: (well, the wreckage of my site as it crash landed on planet Neighborhood, that is) Don’t know what to do now. I guess I’ll pull myself together and fiddle with it some more, while waiting to see if I can get a hold of ecceesso.

    Or is there a plan B for hopeless cases like me? Again, I’d pay anyone who can simply get that thing running on my server the way it looks in the demo.


    in reply to: Please feedback on freelance availablility #37324
    Post count: 2

    Update: just realized I got a response with a help offer on my post three days ago. Sorry, should have checked before writing this 🙁 So please ignore this. Sorry again.


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