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  • in reply to: sf_woo_help_bar in Footer #249326
    Post count: 6

    I was trying to use nav-tabs in the ul tag to avoid css problems when inserting sf_woo_help_bar in the footer, but looks like sf_woo_help_bar() is not charging from the function defined in sf-woocommerce.php, because any change on that code did nothing :S

    Finally what I’ve done:

    To insert it, I’ve modified sf-footer.php:

                            <?php if ( $copyright_right == "menu" ) { ?>
                                <div class="woocommerce">
    				<?php sf_woo_help_bar();?>
                            <?php } else { ?>


    to make appear the woo_help_bar on the right side of the footer, when menu is selected on the copyright_right option.

    To solve the styling problems, I’ve modified the help-bar class in sf-combined.css and that was enough.

    Now I have the woo_help_bar popups in the footer showing properly and working well.

    Thanks any way!
    Maybe you could add this as a theme option for the copyright_right footer, it’s useful for shops.

    in reply to: sf_woo_help_bar in Footer #249289
    Post count: 6

    I’m experencing styling problems, to solve it I’m trying to modify sf-woocommerce.php, where it is declared the function and the html of it:

        if ( ! function_exists( 'sf_woo_help_bar' ) ) {
            function sf_woo_help_bar() {
                global $sf_options;
                $help_bar_text  = __( $sf_options['help_bar_text'], 'swiftframework' );
                $email_modal    = __( $sf_options['email_modal'], 'swiftframework' );
                $shipping_modal = __( $sf_options['shipping_modal'], 'swiftframework' );
                $returns_modal  = __( $sf_options['returns_modal'], 'swiftframework' );
                $faqs_modal     = __( $sf_options['faqs_modal'], 'swiftframework' );
                $modal_delete_icon = apply_filters( 'sf_close_icon', '<i class="ss-delete"></i>' );
                <div class="container">
                    <span><?php echo do_shortcode( $help_bar_text ); ?></span>
                    <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
                        <?php if ( $email_modal != "" ) { ?>
                            <li><a href="#email-form" class="inline"
                                   data-toggle="modal"><?php _e( "Email customer care", "swiftframework" ); ?></a></li>
                        <?php } ?>
                        <?php if ( $shipping_modal != "" ) { ?>
                            <li><a href="#shipping-information" class="inline"
                                   data-toggle="modal"><?php _e( "Shipping information", "swiftframework" ); ?></a></li>
                        <?php } ?>
                        <?php if ( $returns_modal != "" ) { ?>
                            <li><a href="#returns-exchange" class="inline"
                                   data-toggle="modal"><?php _e( "Returns & exchange", "swiftframework" ); ?></a></li>
                        <?php } ?>
                        <?php if ( $faqs_modal != "" ) { ?>
                            <li><a href="#faqs" class="inline"
                                   data-toggle="modal"><?php _e( "F.A.Q.'s", "swiftframework" ); ?></a></li>
                        <?php } ?>

    Any class modification of the html tags do not change nothing, I mean, it really do nothing:
    <ul class=”who cares what im going to put here, it’s not going to appear”>

    I do not have activated cache or anything that could make that, why that?

    in reply to: Missing translations #239271
    Post count: 6

    Now it’s working,


    in reply to: Missing translations #239261
    Post count: 6

    Still waiting for a solution,
    Let me know when you’re going to solve it


    in reply to: Missing translations #237764
    Post count: 6

    Maybe I did not explain it well.

    I know how to add translations, how to complie .po to .mo files and how to upload the translations and I’ve already done that to change some translations, what I’m saying is that there are some terms on the .po files that can not be translated because is missing the source, the place where this translation goes.

    For that I put the example of some terms, that are included on the original .po file that are not sourced, linked to anyplace, then, it do not care what translation do you do of the term because it isn’t linked to the place where it should appear.

    There are several of this terms, but specifically the one that says: ~ msgid “VIEW ALL PRODUCTS”, phrase that is placed on the homepage to show woocommerce products is lacking of this problem.

    Please read again, test it.

    Waiting for a solution.

    in reply to: Missing translations #237433
    Post count: 6

    I have the same problem, and it’s not as simply as edit/add the translation to the string..

    Last string ready to trasnlate is:
    #: woocommerce/wishlist.php:434
    msgid “Ask an estimate of costs”
    msgstr “”

    After that, we find lots of strings where the source is missing. Then, it is not as easy as add the translation term:


    line: 11848
    #~ msgid "VIEW ALL ARTICLES"
    #~ msgid "VIEW ALL PRODUCTS"

    Translated without source, USELESS.

    I ask you to solve this issue.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)