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  • in reply to: Images ALT and TITLE attributes not showing #23451
    Post count: 2

    Hi, Melanie and Ed,

    All right, thanks! I should say my main concern was really SEO, but also I needed to display the nasty tooltips for information usage.

    So, for anyone interest, the file is /js/functions.js and you will need to comment/remove these lines around 1421:

    jQuery(‘img[title]’).each(function() {

    in reply to: SSL Issue #21620
    Post count: 2


    I’m having exactly the same issues as Yas1212 described. Pages loaded via https:// are presenting errors with unsecure elements that are loading as http://, such as and custom logo uploaded through the Theme’s Admin Panel. Changing the paths from http:// to // seems to be the alternative fix, if only I knew in which files these infos are being called…

    Well, just adding voice to the chorus… I’ll be waiting for an answer to Yas’s problem.

    Thanks, and sorry for my bad english (it is not my native language)!

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