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  • in reply to: Menu problems on horizontal orientation on iPad #269457
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    in reply to: Menu problems on horizontal orientation on iPad #267794
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    Sorry if I write again! this last photo on last message was on computer, not iPad.

    in reply to: Menu problems on horizontal orientation on iPad #267786
    Post count: 6

    Hi David, it’s me again, take a look here, making the screen “thinner” on chrome, it doesn’t work. I’m attaching a photo of chrome, this menù is not expanding or showing submenù lines.
    Thank you

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    in reply to: Menu problems on horizontal orientation on iPad #267769
    Post count: 6

    Hi David, sorry if i didn’t answer before, I already re-test, this png is exactly the website but I don’t see the menù sections open, the problem is: in the menù, the sections “categorie” or “Guide Draft” when I try to open it (I put some submenù sections) I can’t see them, just in this iPad (iPad air 9,7″). I test in another two tablets (samsung a little bit wider) and it works like the normal menù. Then if I use the vertical orientation on iPad or samsung tablet, it works fine with the tiny menù and all the submenù sections are open.
    The problem is just when I use it horizontal orientation in this iPad.
    I’m not an expert, but I’m thinking that maybe it depends on the css instructions for this menù, during the behavior changing from normal one into tiny menù, just is this specifically size. Don’t take it as it come from an expert please, I’m not and expert, and I’m just wondering. I try several times with chrome, safari and it is not working anyway, cleaning cache and all info on browsers. I attach some photos with same menù section and both behaviors in both orientations.

    Note: I already update all OS on iPad and WordPress and theme last version

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    in reply to: Menu problems on horizontal orientation on iPad #263108
    Post count: 6

    Hi, i already did, unfortunately it is still not working. It works fine on mobiles and in the vertical version.
    Thank you

    in reply to: Mobile menu and variations problem #262481
    Post count: 6

    Hi, I didn’t find the way to write a new topic, but it could be the place. We are having problems with the landscape (horizontal) orientation of the iPad with the behaviour “cascade” menu, it not working, event if it is working on desktop, mobile (both orientations) and portrait (vertical) orientation, the site is: and I’m attaching some fotos (the first 2, on horizontal orientation, the next 2 are on vertical orientation).
    I read some other topics, and in some of this were suggested to check the plugins (activating and deactivating) we already done, but nothing changes.

    Thank you!

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