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  • in reply to: Updating posts adds paragraphs in the content #182303
    Post count: 5

    Hello again Kyle,

    I can tell you that the problem has to be in your editor because I have deactivated the TinyMCE and I still get the same problem with <p> and the </ br>.
    Can you help me with this?

    in reply to: Updating posts adds paragraphs in the content #174799
    Post count: 5

    There resides the problem!
    The raw html edition allows you to add the “<br />” tag, but as far as you save the content the line break is removed.
    If you check “Stop removing the <p> and <br /> tags when saving and show them in the Text editor” then they will stay, but nonsense paragraphs are added mostly randomly, for example, at the beginning of a column, and even some at the end:
    “<p></p>COLUMN CONTENT<p></p><p></p>”
    This means that, when you update contents, artificial and worthless paragrapsh are added (if you have the “Stop removing the <p> and <br /> tags when saving and show them in the Text editor” checked) and if you don’t have it checked, your “<br />” just disappear…
    How can we fix this?

    in reply to: Updating posts adds paragraphs in the content #174797
    Post count: 5

    Dear Kyle,

    I’m currently running more wordpress sites and as far as you introduce the “<br>” tag manually, it will stay there. The only thing you have to do is to avoid the WYSYWYG editor and work straight over the HTML.
    It looks more like a problem of your editor or even from tinyMCE.

    in reply to: Updating posts adds paragraphs in the content #174795
    Post count: 5

    Dear kyle,

    Thanks for your answer, but I guess my question was not formulated properly.
    Is there any way I can use “<br />” tags within your theme?
    I don’t want fake line breaks but real “<br />” tags inside my HTML.

    Best regards!

    in reply to: Updating posts adds paragraphs in the content #174714
    Post count: 5

    The solution of unchecking “Stop removing the <p> and <br /> tags when saving and show them in the Text editor” works, as it will delete all the extra <p> but…
    What happens if I want to keep the line breaks???
    There must be a solution to keep the line breaks!!
    Can you help me on this?

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