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  • in reply to: back orders #299085
    Post count: 22

    Thanks. I did activate the default theme as you said but that showed exactly the same, can not back order. I checked the woocommerce setting, can not see where I can edit to help this issue. Please advice.

    in reply to: Issue with the heading of the shop page #288057
    Post count: 22

    sincere appologies, I have been looking at a wrong page…I managed to fix it…I am very grateful for your help.

    in reply to: Issue with the heading of the shop page #288053
    Post count: 22


    This is the URL.

    I also marked the page on wp,see attached.

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    in reply to: Issue with the heading of the shop page #288033
    Post count: 22

    Many thanks for your promot reply.

    Apologgies I manages to fix the shop page through Theme Options => WooCommerce Options => Shop Options

    However the second issue is still vailid. I would like to edit the page builer assets but as you can see on attached screen shots, there is nothing on the page builder for me to go and edit, and when I try to add one, there is no editing option for it. I normally press on the right hand of the element but I can not press and go to the window you sent.

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    in reply to: Issue with the heading of the shop page #288020
    Post count: 22

    Dear David,

    Many thanks for your reply. But the answers are not answering my questions. May be I am not clear.

    1= this page on word press has no editing options. the “meta option” at the buttom is not clickable, there is no where when I can change the page syle. There is nothing (no element) on page builder despite showing product on live site. If you look at the wordpress of that page you will understand what I mean. I can change all the pages as I like but not this page. I udnerstnad the page builder editing should be done on the window similar to the screen show you sent me but I can not get anything function on that page. I am quite good with this theme now, but this page is drivign me nuts….

    2- Where can I delete/disable the marked area “IN RED “on the screen shot. I could not see any relevant section on WooCommerce Options => Shop Options

    I really appreciat your help.

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