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  • in reply to: Dante shortcode generator missing items? #73143
    mad 1
    Post count: 46

    as usual, thank you so much, Kyle ‘o’

    in reply to: making page backgrounds transparent? #72730
    mad 1
    Post count: 46

    hi there –

    i have a related question, which is what would the CSS code be to make the boxed area content shadow invisible or transparent? i’d like the shadow to apply globally, and to specify transparency on pages where i’ve made the page background transparent – otherwise the shadows appears around the “transparent” boxed background

    thanks so much, as always ‘o’

    in reply to: How to insert backround image spanning footer area? #71335
    mad 1
    Post count: 46

    perfect ‘o’

    thanks, Kyle

    topic resolved

    in reply to: making page backgrounds transparent? #68197
    mad 1
    Post count: 46

    hey kyle –

    actually that will work perfectly if i specify a background image or color for the pages where i DON’T want transparency

    I’ll mark this resolved and thanks again ;D

    in reply to: making page backgrounds transparent? #68187
    mad 1
    Post count: 46

    thanks so much, kyle!

    i was hoping to apply the transparency to specific pages…

    the CSS example you gave me looks like it would apply globally?

    let me know, and thanks again ‘o’

    in reply to: how to not display duplicate images in posts? #64229
    mad 1
    Post count: 46

    son of a gun!

    thanks so much, Kyle ‘o’


    topic resolved

    in reply to: how to not display duplicate images in posts? #64215
    mad 1
    Post count: 46

    thanks Kyle ‘o’

    no, that doesn’t work

    assuming that i want the image contained in the post to BE the same as the featured image and i want to be able to ADD it as media to the post so that it appears WHERE WANT IT in the post as a clickable image

    if i set it up exactly the way you say

    it solves the problem of displaying the Featured Image in the Blog list and Dante Recent Posts shortcode instances, but the post itself only contains the featured image which is not a link to anything (i want it to be clickable to a lightbox containing the image) and i have ZERO CONTROL over formatting the (Featured) image in the post

    Dante is inserting the featured image in the post by default – the only way i’ve found to over ride this (as a non-coding WordPress beginner using Dante’s sttings) is to set the featured image as the same 1 inserted into the post and then set the Meta Thumbnail Option to “none” and then the Display Detail Option to reflect the Thumbnail Option (box checked). The post will then display my inserted image WITHOUT the featured image in exactly the way i want it to (with the inserted image clickable and formatted in whatever size i choose and integrated with the rest of my post layout as opposed to the Featured image), displays the FEATURED IMAGE correctly as a thumbnail in Dante’s Recent Posts shortcode instances, but DOES NOT diplay the featured image thumbnail on my BLOG PAGE.

    what i’m asking you is how to set the featured image for a post, but prevent it from being inserted into the post (not with the Post/Page Meta options) so that it still displays correcly in the Dante Recent Posts shortcode AND in the BLOG PAGE THUMBNAIL DISPLAY

    i just don’t want the Featured image inserted automatically into the post, but want it to display correctly in every other way in the Dante theme relative to that post

    this sounds like i need to change or comment the code that automatically calls/inserts the featured image into a post

    i’m a WP beginner and NOT familiar with PHP

    please try to help me here

    thank you SO much

    mad 1
    Post count: 46

    thank you, Mohammad ‘o’

    and you were correct – the sticky header is not displaying on mobile devices

    so, i’ll close the topic

    and thank you, again…

    mad 1
    Post count: 46

    thanks again, Mohammad

    i’ll check that when i can and let you know

    can you PLEASE check my issue regarding the sub menu background not extending far enough to accommodate the menu text (see screenshot in my first post) i’ve been trying to get your support on this for awhile

    the sub menu background should automatically accommodate the text of the sub menu item, correct?
    this isn’t happening unless I set w/e font i’m using to a small size —- in other word the submenu background is being constrained to a constant size

    mad 1
    Post count: 46

    Hi Mohammad –

    i’m not sure if i’ve tested it on a mobile device, just resizing my desktop browser to various device sizes, which should reflect the responsive display of the theme, right? the sticky header keeps functioning at all sizes

    i don’t have a mobile option where i’m at today – could you check the site on any mobile device and let me know if the sticky header is NOT displaying?
    i do have the theme option for it set to “off”

    thank you so much ‘o’

    mad 1
    Post count: 46
    This reply has been marked as private.
    mad 1
    Post count: 46

    thanks so much, Kyle ‘o’

    i’ll close this topic now

    mad 1
    Post count: 46

    thanks Kyle ‘o’

    so – should I activate the child them, copy the Custom CSS that i’m using in the parent to the child, and then delete it in the parent – and then simply edit the child? is there anything else to be aware of?

    i noticed when i did a live preview of the Dante Child, the only thing that looked like it was missing was the navigation…will that translate when i activate the child, or will i need to recreate it?

    i also have some custom JS for Fontdeck and i’m guessing that should live in the child as well.

    please advise me of anything to look out for / i haven’t modified any theme files, just CSS

    in reply to: sticky header not re-sizing? #61341
    mad 1
    Post count: 46

    Hi Mohammed – thanks

    i’m not sure which options you referring to…i was playing around with different headers, but it’s back to the one I’ve been using (6)

    i also briefly activated the sticky header for mobile, but deactivated it

    the sticky header still isn’t functioning at all in Safari (it’s fine in Firefox and Chrome), and i suppose i could live with that, although I’d like it to work across browsers of course
    can you still try to trouble shoot this issue for Safari?

    1 other important question…when I activated the header variation with the navigation on the bottom (1 & 2) and then activate the one I’m using (6) which has a lesser height, it creates an area of space under the header which wasn’t there when I started out (see screenshot)

    how can I remove this?

    and, (other screenshot) the text of my sub menu navigation is extending beyond it’s background
    this has happened periodically – sometimes it does that, sometimes it’s fine

    thanks so much ‘O’

    in reply to: sticky header not re-sizing? #60883
    mad 1
    Post count: 46

    thank you, Mohammed

    i actually fixed the distortion issue in Chrome by adding this bit of CSS that i found in another thread re the same issue here

    #logo img {
    max-height: none!important;

    with Safari, though’, the sticky header simply isn’t working as i described in my previous post…the header is not re-sizing properly (possibly not at all) and the logo and navigation are missing!

    btw: i am clearing and re-setting all my browsers before testing

    thank you so much for your attention to this ‘o’

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