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  • in reply to: Missing add-to-cart button #164457
    Post count: 10

    It would be great if you guys could actually post the solution, so that when we experience the same issue we can try this as a potential resolution, rather than having to lodge a new ticket!

    in reply to: Product page problems when logged in #161689
    Post count: 10

    Oh man. Not to commment on a long closed thread, but THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!

    It solved a problem that I had LONG been struggling with.

    in reply to: Customers can no longer purchase #157476
    Post count: 10

    Just figured it out. Disabled all plugins and re-enabled them all one-by-one.

    WooCommerce Chained Products was causing the issue.

    in reply to: Few issues with responsive design #141593
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    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Theme not displaying product title on product pages #128652
    Post count: 10

    Hi Ed,

    It’s a standard installation. There has been no customisation.

    Are you able to log in and have a look? It’s an annoying problem that makes the template look worse than it should.



    in reply to: Theme not displaying product title on product pages #127899
    Post count: 10

    It’s a “live” website / shop.

    I can’t deactivate plugins and have the shop offline.

    in reply to: Theme not displaying product title on product pages #127880
    Post count: 10

    It only happens when a user is logged in to their account.

    Can you log in with the details provided and check again?

    Thank you!

    in reply to: I've ruined my "product" page! #127057
    Post count: 10

    Ha. Yes! That fixed it!

    I’m not sure how that happened, but changing WooCommerce “Account Page” back to what it was supposed to be (/my-account/) fixed everything.

    Thank you!

    Seriously – the support you guys provide is just amazing and is the reason I will continue to buy your products!

    One last issue is the bullet points beside the social media icons on a product page.

    Is there any way to restrict the bullet points to ONLY the product description?

    Thank you!

    in reply to: I've ruined my "product" page! #127048
    Post count: 10

    Ok…so it appears that this error only occurs when a user is logged in.

    If you’re not logged in, it displays normally.

    The other problem is that the “Login” button in the menu (top right) doesn’t actually do anything.

    in reply to: I've ruined my "product" page! #127040
    Post count: 10

    Hmmm. That’s strange.

    Even on this page?

    The layout looks all screwed up.

    See my screenshots (attached).

    (On a completely unrelated issue, I’ve added custom css to get the bullet points back within the product descriptions. That’s added bullet points beside the “share” icons. Any idea how to keep bullet points solely for the product descriptions?

    Thank you!

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
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