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  • in reply to: Drop down menu problem #16029
    Post count: 10

    I added this to the custom css.

    #top-bar {z-index: 1000;}

    Seems to fix the z-index issue, but when I hover over the “Shop” and the subcategories show, I can’t move the cursor over to click on a subcategory. The submenu disappears. I’m using the Chrome browser on a Mac. Same issue on the Safari browser.

    Lena Brown

    in reply to: Drop down menu problem #16025
    Post count: 10

    Im having a similar problem with the top-right menu. My header is styled black rather than the default white.

    See here: Then hover over the top right menu item “Shop”. There should be categories shown in the drop-down. You will see something flash for a moment.

    Thank you for your help.

    Lena Brown

    in reply to: Woo Commerce Category Description #16023
    Post count: 10

    Adding the custom css worked, but shouldn’t the description location be above the

    “Showing 1–15 of 23 products
    View 24/48/All”

    and Sort options? See attached.

    Thank you,

    Lena Brown

    in reply to: Page Slider Options Not Saving #16016
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    in reply to: Page Slider Options Not Saving #15877
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    in reply to: Page Slider Options Not Saving #15704
    Post count: 10

    Another note:

    I created a new wordpress installation on a new database. Same problem with the page title. The page title is on by default. When I turn on the page title to show on an individual page, it shows, when I turn if off, the title still shows. It also does not use my custom page title.

    No update on the page slider yet.

    Lena Brown

    in reply to: Page Slider Options Not Saving #15699
    Post count: 10


    I changed the default settings to not show the page title and then viewed the live page. NO title showing. Then viewed the page within the wordpress admin. Same boxes are checked. It appears when I check or unchaeck the boxes, it is not updating in the database. I’ve seen another person comment on the same issue in this forum.

    My site is live and I don’t feel comfortable providing my login details.

    Lena Brown

    in reply to: Page Slider Options Not Saving #15304
    Post count: 10

    Same issue with the “Page Meta” box. Show page title is not saving when unchecking the box.

    in reply to: Can't Activate Theme #13870
    Post count: 10

    I was hoping it would work “out of the box”.

    After following the recommendation above – deactivating all plugins, then activating the Twenty Twelve theme, activating a few plugins (WooCommerce, WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping and WooDoJo and the recommended plugins for the Neighborhood theme), then the Neighborhood theme, I attempted to activate the WooSlider plugin. An error occurred.

    “Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.”
    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class WooSlider in /home/lenabrow/public_html/wp/wp-content/plugins/wooslider/classes/class-wooslider.php on line 25

    It appears there is a conflict with the WooSlider plugin. Honestly, I don’t know if I will need it with the theme, but will keep it off for now.

    For the moment, the theme is up and running. However, when I update the theme in the future will I have to go through the same steps?

    Thank you for your assistance.


    in reply to: Can't Activate Theme #13858
    Post count: 10

    By the way, the website home page is

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