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Viewing 4 posts - 91 through 94 (of 94 total)
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  • in reply to: Someone help me? New en Sale ribbons arent showing #39663
    Post count: 102

    I am having the same problem at Please advise a solution.

    in reply to: problem installing demo data #39168
    Post count: 102

    FYI – I tried yet again today and though I still got a server error message I found that enough of the demo has now transferred so that I can get going. For the moment I don’t need your reply but it’s clear that your documentation needs some work re this topic. I suggest something like what’s in the sticky post: a numbered step by step process rather than lots of text with notes. it’s really unclear what you should do in a sequential order.

    in reply to: problem installing demo data #39130
    Post count: 102

    and yet more difficulties. in an attempt to reimport and perhaps get some of those images, i first deleted all the menus to avoid duplicates but suddenly after uploading all day I get this error: Import WordPress
    Sorry, there has been an error.
    The uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content/uploads/2013/12.

    It has nothing to do with permissions.

    Therefore my test site referenced above now also has no menus!

    in reply to: problem installing demo data #39128
    Post count: 102

    Just noticed lots of failures to upload in the import process – having already completely uninstalled and reinstalled WP+database+theme 3 times today I am not keen to try again without you very specific solution.

    some examples:

    Failed to import Media “barena-blazer-blue003_1”
    Failed to import Media “barena-blazer-blue001_1”
    Failed to import Media “aspesi-jacket-blazer-grey005”

Viewing 4 posts - 91 through 94 (of 94 total)