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  • in reply to: problem controlling button appearance #61004
    Post count: 102
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    in reply to: changing woocommerce currency symbol #60521
    Post count: 102

    thanks – that worked well and we now have “HK$”!

    in reply to: problem controlling button appearance #60236
    Post count: 102

    yes – strange right? i’m just using the very basic mailchimp embed code for the footer there.

    in reply to: changing woocommerce currency symbol #60205
    Post count: 102

    thanks. i’m not clear what i should do now though.

    1) is this the best way i should implement the currency symbol?
    2) if yes, can you give some instructions for how to move our site which is already running on neighborhood, to neighborhood child without losing any of the work we’ve already done?

    in reply to: mailchimp widget icon #59199
    Post count: 102

    Thanks – that worked!

    in reply to: problem displaying products carosel after update #58960
    Post count: 102

    it does – thanks!

    in reply to: checkout page edit order function #58955
    Post count: 102

    hi – i switched to twenty fourteen and also did not see a back or change button that would let me edit the order at checkout.

    FYI we have moved to the live URL and now all is behind a coming soon page. Let me know if you need a tester admin account or if you have advice I can implement.

    in reply to: checkout page edit order function #57349
    Post count: 102

    ok – before i do can i ask a dumb question? if i switch themes will i lose the settings such as custom css that i have done in neighborhood? scared!

    in reply to: body font row height inconsistent #57294
    Post count: 102

    ok thanks. i guess what i also needed to know is that the fullwidth text box forces the line height to 28px instead of using what i set in the theme options of 22px? i guess that’s why melanie wanted me to use CSS but i wouldn’t have figure out that i needed to make a space. anyway thanks for helping me figure this out.

    in reply to: body font row height inconsistent #57245
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    in reply to: body font row height inconsistent #57244
    Post count: 102

    in both classic and SPB when i look at the text editor i see no wrapping that’s why I am complaining in the first place. will pass you login privately.

    in reply to: body font row height inconsistent #57236
    Post count: 102

    hi kyle – i probably did but the thing is i can’t see any formatting going on (see above code). and what melanie mentioned is that the <p> is what’s screwing up the settings so i don’t want to add more of those. just now i removed my text, put it in notepad and recopied, i still see no <p> to remove! how do i get it out of there if i can’t see it?

    in reply to: body font row height inconsistent #57207
    Post count: 102

    And I am asking you why, if I didn’t do anything to cause this, is it broken? I am calling it broken because I set the line height for body text already. I want you to address this to the developers rather than making me fix it with a custom CSS that will force my whole site to obey something I might want to change in the dashboard with one click instead of teaching my client CSS. This is the way the theme is intended to be used or they wouldn’t make a line height setting at Font Size Option > Body Font Line Height.

    It’s happening in all my portfolio items

    Can you please pass this on to developers?


    in reply to: problem displaying products carosel after update #57136
    Post count: 102

    Hi – can you still answer this question please “Also always been annoyed that the price for items with ling titles drops…any way to make it stay in the same upper right position all the time and make the text wrap?”

    in reply to: body font row height inconsistent #57135
    Post count: 102

    Hi – I didn’t wrap them in <p> tags and when I view the code for that in Swift Page Builder I don’t see any <p> tags so that doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t want to add custom CSS because I should be able to control that in the theme’s body text height. Here’s the code inside SPB…

    [one_fourth] [/one_fourth]
    [one_half]<a href="" target="_blank">The Night Market</a> owners commissioned Latitude 22N with the design of a visual identity that would capture the essence and honesty of a Taiwanese street food market place and present it in a relevant, functional, playful and enticing manner to the contemporary HK diner.
    Drawing inspiration from the vibrant and chaotic atmosphere of the Taiwanese night markets, we created a journey for the restaurant with printed material, dinnerware and interior elements filled with humor and unexpected twists.
    The identity was entirely hand rendered to reflect the straightforwardness of the markets and asserts a quirky and individual style making a strong stand in Hong Kong’s dining environment.
    [button colour="white" type="standard" size="small" link="" target="_self"]TABLEWARE[/button] [button colour="white" type="standard" size="small" link="" target="_self"]FRAGMENTS INSTALLATION[/button][/one_half]
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