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  • Ken
    Post count: 71

    Hi Dennis,

    I’m not on the support team but I had exactly the same problem when I first installed the theme …

    No.1 on my list was the same problem you currently face 🙂 Reply from support was “Please check your permissions for swift-framework/sf-shortcodes/interface.php. They should be 644”

    I checked mine – permission was 666. Changed it to 644 and that fixed the issue.

    Hope this helps 🙂

    in reply to: Header not resizing #95400
    Post count: 71

    Sadly no luck.

    The logo still resizes on desktop as before, and the header still does not resize on desktop as before, only now instead of the header being permanently too big, the header is now permanently too small and the logo protrudes from the bottom. No change at all on mobile phone with the addition of the new css – same large space under logo as before.

    Current css attempting to redress the problem looks like this, header.sticky-header.sticky-header- resized {
    height: 80px !important;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
    #header-sticky-wrapper {
    height: 80px !important;
    #header-sticky-wrapper header#header {
    height: 80px;

    I tried alternately removing one and then the other, and then both of the older scripts to see if the new css would work either alone or in a different combination, but no luck there either.

    I also did a test where I removed all other css, leaving only the three scripts above just to make sure that there wasn’t an error with something else that was breaking this css, but there was no difference.


    in reply to: stellar + paralax = broken tiling #94831
    Post count: 71

    Thanks Kyle

    in reply to: Header not resizing #94830
    Post count: 71

    Hi Ed,

    Thanks for the reply. As per your suggestion this time round I have done nothing other than add in your css above. Unfortunately this has not made a difference ie, on desktop my logo still resizes within my header but the header does not resize, and on mobile there is still the large space below the logo approximately the size of the logo itself.


    in reply to: Header not resizing #94080
    Post count: 71

    Hi Rui,

    I haven’t changed anything, and you’re right that under the current configuration it looks ok on mobile, but it isn’t working on desktop. Check out
    You’ll see the logo is protruding from the header bar.

    That’s why I made all the screenshots with the different settings. Fix it on desktop, breaks on mobile. Looks ok on mobile, breaks on desktop. Differet settings give different results, but nothing that corrects it accross the board.

    in reply to: Header not resizing #93790
    Post count: 71
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    in reply to: Header not resizing #93788
    Post count: 71

    5th screen shot cluster …

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    in reply to: Header not resizing #93782
    Post count: 71

    Hi Rui,

    I’ll pm the log in details in a minute.
    I’ve been trying to pin point the problem to help things along so I have attached 5 screenshot clusters.

    Each cluster shows the header static and after scrolling accross a number of bootstrap screen real estate sizes, being large, med and small in firefox as well as portrait and landscape on my Galaxy Note 3.

    The paramaters of each set of screen shots are included in the shots.
    I tried changes to the Header settings and to Custom css settings.
    Header settings I set or left blank were
    Logo width
    Logo height
    Logo width resized
    Logo height resized

    So far support has provided 3 custom css scripts to try.
    I tested with these two, header.sticky-header.sticky-header-resized {
      height: 60px !important;
    @media only screen and (min-width: 480px) { 
    .sticky-wrapper, #header-section {
      height: 80px!important;

    I didn’t do screen shots with this third because I determined through some other testing with Kyle today that this one breaks all the rest of the custom css, but I can’t tell you why 🙂

    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) { 
    #header-sticky-wrapper {
      height: 80px!important;

    I see I can only add 4 attachements, I’ll attach the 5th screen shot in a subsequent message.
    Hope this helps 🙂

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    in reply to: centre accordion within boxed content #93778
    Post count: 71

    Thanks Kyle,

    By process of elimination I have determined that this is the faulty custom css

    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) { 
    #header-sticky-wrapper {
      height: 80px!important;

    It was one of the attempts to fix the header resizing. I’m going to update it in that thread now.

    The boxed content is solved though 🙂

    in reply to: centre accordion within boxed content #93660
    Post count: 71

    Thanks Kyle, you’re a legend!

    Is there any kind of delay on undating the custom css, a cache I should refresh or something?
    I first replaced the comment tags with the /* Your Comment */ but didn’t notice a change. Then took out all the comments altogether but didn’t notice a change. I did a ctrl F5 browser refresh, but nothing changed. That was this morning. Haven’t done anything since then, and now it’s working? I’m a bit lost as to what the magic touch was. Or did you log in and change something?

    in reply to: centre accordion within boxed content #93557
    Post count: 71

    Hi Kyle,

    Thanks for pointing that out. I initially tried to use the html comment tag I remember from 10 years ago <– –> but that didn’t work. I added the {} and it seemed fine because things like the word ‘menu’ were showing up on mobile and your script for changing the colours of the accordion were working. I have since removed my flawed html comment adaptation in favour of your corrected css comment. The other functionality all still works, the word ‘menu’, your colours of the accordion etc, but the background block for the accordion still is not appearing.

    in reply to: centre accordion within boxed content #93440
    Post count: 71

    Hi Kyle,

    Thanks for logging in.
    Unfortunately that custom css doesn’t seem to be working for me.
    I even set the colour to red #dd3333 and the padding to 100px to make sure it wasn’t a subtle effect I could miss, but even with those settings nothings appears different.

    in reply to: centre accordion within boxed content #93407
    Post count: 71

    Cool, I’ve added it all back in. There are some notes above each piece of custom explaining why it’s there, more for me to keep track than anything else.

    in reply to: centre accordion within boxed content #93383
    Post count: 71

    I have temporarily removed it as requested while this thread is open ..

    The only custom css in there at the moment is some that Rui gave earlier today in response to the thread above.

    I have all your custom css safetly saved away in notepad for when the header issue is sorted 😀
    Would you like me to add it back in temporarily to help with this thread?

    in reply to: centre accordion within boxed content #93370
    Post count: 71

    Epic thanks.

    I’ve done that.

    I used two 1/6 width spacer elements to centre the accordion – I initially tried to use two 1/6 width column elements, but I’m guessing that column elements aren’t supported within rows?

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