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  • in reply to: WooCommerce 2.1 Compatibility #72041
    Post count: 61

    Hey Ed, Unfortunately we can’t do the update because it breaks the site. We’ve been trying to figure it out just on a local server test site that we set up, but unsure how to share that with you. We tried disabling all plug-ins and then updating, but all stated issues were still there…

    in reply to: WooCommerce 2.1 Compatibility #65152
    Post count: 61

    Hi All,

    We set up our site on a test server to try and work through the Woocommerce 2.1 issues, but we are having no luck. Among the issues, and there are several:

    1. The main menu dropdowns do not work anymore.
    2. The product thumbnails for all woocommerce pagebuilder assets has been resized (extended vertically) and there is no more rollover.
    3. For all carousel builder assets, there is no more carousel, it just shows the selected number of items. I.e. if the carousel was half-width with 12 Number of Items selected, it just shows all 12 underneath the asset –– not just 2 with a carousel to show the rest.
    4. The product images on the product detail pages are missing.
    5. Most importantly, there are no options at all to checkout on a product page. No size or quantity selector and no Add to Cart button.

    These are the major issues that are obviously stopping us from updating to Woocommerce on the live site. Please advise on these ASAP.

    in reply to: Login and register without woocommerce? #50013
    Post count: 61

    hi, we’re looking to launch but this login thing is really strange and don’t want to waste our launch login and traffic once we remove woocommerce.

    please help!

    pretty urgent :/

    in reply to: Portfolio Thumbnail Sizes #47129
    Post count: 61

    For anyone who might be having the same problem… since nobody has responded, I ended up reformatting/cropping all the images to 1.333:1 (w:h ratio), so now when they resize, they all fit into the different portfolio elements.

    in reply to: Portfolio Thumbnail Sizes #46513
    Post count: 61

    Hate to post again, but any ideas? Been over 3 days since posting…

    in reply to: Portfolio Thumbnail Sizes #46199
    Post count: 61

    Thanks for the suggestion graphicenc, but that just moves the images down… they are still too large and are getting cropped off.

    in reply to: Compression and Minifying HTML #45145
    Post count: 61
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    in reply to: Compression and Minifying HTML #45144
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    in reply to: Compression and Minifying HTML #45056
    Post count: 61
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    in reply to: Compression and Minifying HTML #43949
    Post count: 61

    — Just tried Better WordPress Minify – doesn’t seem to be a good idea – it completely crashes the whole site design.

    — [1/21/14, 5:51:17 PM] Mark Malinsky: thats happened before
    [1/21/14, 5:51:26 PM] Mark Malinsky: they asked… if you can give more details about that

    — Weird.
    Well, I don’t think more detail can be provided. A site either crashes or doesn’t.
    The plugin makes it crash.
    That’s all.

    in reply to: Compression and Minifying HTML #43938
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    in reply to: Compression and Minifying HTML #43867
    Post count: 61

    thank you!

    in reply to: Very slow loading front-end and backend #43571
    Post count: 61


    What exactly does this do though?

    in reply to: Compression and Minifying HTML #43352
    Post count: 61

    Hi Kyle,

    There is nothing unusual about our content and just for the sake of trial, our hosting company ramped up our server to the max and the results were the same.

    This is a quote from them “I can tell you for sure that the reason the page is loading slowly and getting poor grades on these tests is because of a badly optimized wordpress and to some degree apache.”

    Google page speed test mentions “enable compression” as the number one recommendation.

    It also mentions to minify css, javascript, and html.

    We have also tried to enable w3 total cache.

    All of these break the website.

    Can you please help us enable all these changes?

    We’re happy to provide backend access for someone experienced to take a look.

    We really appreciate it.

    in reply to: Very slow loading front-end and backend #42991
    Post count: 61

    Thanks for the response.

    Can you please elaborate on any side effects there might be on the site/theme from deleting this line?

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 60 total)