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  • in reply to: Is there a way to ensure shop product rows align? #240169
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    The new theme version 1.9 that came out today…

    in reply to: Is there a way to ensure shop product rows align? #240164
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    I just uploaded the new release and #2 still seems to be an issue…?

    in reply to: Product Asset limited to 8 items #240162
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    Hi Martin,

    To my great amazement this seems to have fixed the issue – is it really that easy?
    Kyle was on the right track in that he had me check my memory but I added this to my file: define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’); because the Woocommerce System status dashboard said I needed “at least” 64. So Kyle and I struggled along our merry ways for days on this issue… wish I’d known it needed MORE than 64 (because System Status was ok after we upped it to 64). Would have saved Kyle and, at least me, hours. Anyway, thanks!


    in reply to: Product Asset limited to 8 items #239208
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    OK, so after a pretty extensive amount of experimentation, here’s what I figured out:

    Up to 10 wines in this product asset will not blow up the page. To be able to display the page properly and include the other four wines, if I uncheck the category “Red Wines” on those four wines, everything is hunky-dorey… so the question is, why? I need to fix this because I do need to have ALL of our red wines in the Red Wine category for customer filtering purposes.

    As an experiment, I added an entirely new product and categorized it as a “Mustard” (because that is another Product Asset that is set to 20) and as “Red wine”. This too makes the Shop page unable to display. Currently, we have 29 wines in the Red wine category (really 33 if you count the 4 I can’t categorize in that manner). As another experiment, I reset the number of products per page in theme settings to 35 but it still happens. So, punting back to you please . . .

    in reply to: Product Asset limited to 8 items #238975
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    If I change the number of Library Wines to anything above 8, I get a white screen when I click View Page in Safari. In Firefox, the page only loads a partial and it’s messed up. This happens only if I am logged in, a non-logged in user can see the page fine. But this is no good, as we will have members who are logged into their accounts. I noticed that when I am logged in as a club member (membership created vis-a-vis the Woocommerce Membership Plugin), I can see the page okay when set to 14. However, when I’m logged in as a regular account holder (non-member, but someone who wanted their account saved), the page does not load properly. Really crazy.

    Also, here’s another clue: Under the Product Asset for Library Wines, I made one change: instead of the category Library Wines, under Product Category I selected x Mustards x Oils and x Vinegars (3 separate categories, just as in the other product asset for Mustards, Oils and Vinegars) and then I set the count to 20. Page loaded no problem! So must have something to do with that category…?

    in reply to: Product Asset limited to 8 items #238959
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    Fixed that but the problem persists…

    in reply to: Product Asset limited to 8 items #238710
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Product Asset limited to 8 items #238670
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    Right, that’s the bizarre part – if you go behind the page to the product asset for Library Wines (5th down on shop, last down on Wines), you will see it’s set to 8. That is because the client is reviewing the site and I want him to be able to log in and see the page. If you then set it to 14 (or 20 or anything more than 8) and try to view the page… badness… Crazy, right?

    in reply to: Product Asset limited to 8 items #238666
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Is there a way to ensure shop product rows align? #238401
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    1. That css did not quite get me there because a consistent 45 px margin still throws off the row alignment when a product name wraps to two lines… HOWEVER you provided me with the css selectors I was struggling to identify so that I could then use the min-height setting, as you suggested, to give everyone enough space regardless of whether the product name is one line or two, and THAT was the ticket. Will just add a bit of css for mobile screens and I’m good to go.
    2. Great, thanks. Hopefully coming soon!

    Thanks for the quick response!

    in reply to: How to set up Multiple Mixed Rows? #237272
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    I’m struggling with same issue – if possible, could you please share the resolution please?

    in reply to: How to set up Multiple Mixed Rows? #233204
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    I am trying to do this but when I select the category I want in the row where I have placed the product asset, it populates the row with ALL of the categories. How do I set it up to only show the products in one particular category in each row as in your demo referenced above? Thanks!

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