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  • in reply to: Add to Cart button action not working right since update #257800
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    Please hold off for the moment. I had to re-enable the child theme as my client is reviewing the site. Thanks.

    in reply to: Add to Cart button action not working right since update #257782
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Add to Cart button action not working right since update #257166
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Add to Cart button action not working right since update #256858
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    Just tried that – same result. Item goes into cart on cart page itself, but on shop page the spinner spins indefinitely and the cart icon count does not update.

    in reply to: Product Asset limited to 8 items #246207
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    Do you mean to change it to http in the WordPress Dashboard>Settings>General? I did this. The problem persists. I was raising the https as a possible reason why it’s happening but I’m really not sure that is it…
    This problem only happens on certain pages with a lot of items on them – the Shop page and the Wine page (our most important pages). The other store front pages using the Product Asset display fine whether I am logged in or not. As I mentioned in my posts above, it only happens if I am logged in as an admin (not as much of a problem) or a customer is logged into their account (a real problem). Really need help with this please.

    in reply to: Product Asset limited to 8 items #245520
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    In your response JANUARY 27, 2016 AT 1:30 PM #244101, you directed me to try the following:
    “If you are not using the HTTPS, please remove the functionality:”

    I looked at that file and I don’t know how to do what you are suggesting. I thought you meant there was a bit of code in there that needs to be commented out in order to remove the functionality. Can you explain what you are suggesting I do?


    in reply to: Product Asset limited to 8 items #244328
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    I uploaded the new swift framework. Can you give me a hint as to what the code I need to remove looks like? I’m not a php expert … looked through file but couldn’t really see what I need to change. Thanks in advance, Katie

    in reply to: Product Asset limited to 8 items #243500
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    Hi David,
    Thanks but I did this a few steps back and, unfortunately, it did not resolve the issue. Still baffled and would truly appreciate your help. I went ahead and updated to the new Woocommerce version as well as the new Atelier release in hopes that maybe that would help, but sadly, still having the same problem when logged in as an Admin or as a returning Customer. If I am not logged in at all, or if I am logged in as a member of one of our wine clubs (which we set up using the premium Woocommerce Memberships plugin), the pages load correctly. It is only the Wines and Shop pages that are not loading.

    One thought: our site currently loads very slowly because the server gets hung up looking for our non-existent SSL certificate (we are going to add that once we are done developing but my client’s host set the dev site up as https) Is there any chance that this could be the issue? Seems strange since the pages ARE loading for non-logged in users and wine club members but thought I’d through it out there as a possible cause?

    in reply to: Product Asset limited to 8 items #242374
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    Another weird update: the Shop and Wine pages do load correctly if I’m logged in as a member of one of our wine clubs (memberships were set up through the Woocommerce Memberships plugin). So, that’s good.

    However, if I log in as an admin or as a regular (non-club member) customer, I get Server Error 500 (Google Chrome) or white screen (Safari and Firefox). So, that’s bad.

    I have not installed the new update for woocommerce yet because I thought that would muddy the waters.

    in reply to: Product Asset limited to 8 items #242371
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    Whoops sorry – didn’t see that you had responded! They are loading for you because you are not logged in. Can you please use the credentials I sent you (private) to log in and you will see what I mean. Or sign up for a customer account or a membership (Free). In any of these scenarios, once you are logged in, the page just does not load. White screen or internal error server, depending on your browser!

    in reply to: Product Asset limited to 8 items #242363
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    Hello, it pains me to no end to have to re-open this but after a long weekend away, I came back to my site and the problem persists. The Wine and Shop pages won’t display when I am logged in (and thus won’t display when my customers log in). Woo commerce System Status still says memory is 256. Can you please help me solve this? My client really wants to get ready to launch and this is a major problem. Thank you!

    in reply to: Product Asset limited to 8 items #242097
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    Can’t tell you how much it pains me to re-open this, but it is happening again and I haven’t done anything at all to the site (just took a long weekend off) 🙁 Woocommerce System Status is reporting that I have a memory limit of 256 MB but when I am logged in to the site (as our customers will be), the Shop and Wine pages I created are not loading. Please help!

    in reply to: Is there a way to ensure shop product rows align? #240216
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    Right, I understand. That is what I did. It works.

    The issue I have been struggling with is ordering individual products within each row. I asked originally, on January 4th in my question #2 in this string, if there was a way around using the date as the way of ordering the products within rows and David Martin said “that is fixed in the next update. Looks like there is a small bug in the categories display setting.” I think I thought he meant that I should select Categories and then the products would show up in the order I specified (presumably the menu order in the Advanced box in the Product Data fields but maybe I’m missing something there too…)

    in reply to: Is there a way to ensure shop product rows align? #240192
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    If I select categories, it displays the categories themselves, with little numbers floating up beside each of them to show how many products are in them, not in neat rows with the products individually displayed as in the url you sent to me (someone else in this forum have raised this issue too but no solution was ever posted). On our main shop page, I’m actually looking to display them like the page url you sent to me, all products in neat rows according to category, but that’s not how they display when I select Categories. Really, I’m happy to use Latest Products but is there a way to show them in the right order without having to order them by date? This is not user-friendly for my client.

    in reply to: Is there a way to ensure shop product rows align? #240183
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    The products, as in your demo page:
    If you visit the dev site now it is set up the way I want it to look BUT I had to use “Latest Posts” and order those posts by date in order for the products to display in the correct order. In your response above, it looked like this would be fixed in the update so that if I selected “Categories” and then picked my category, the products would display in the order they are within the category, not by date order, which is going to be hard for my client to keep organized when I hand off the site.

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