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  • Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104
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    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104
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    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    Hello Rui,
    There is something to fix, I just don’t know what. That info I sent was given to me by my host, WPEngine, and the said they did not know how to fix it.
    I sent you some login credentials, did you login to see what I mean about the slow speed on the two pages i specified (it only happens when logged in but my customers WILL be logged in in many cases)? I really need help with this. I have asked your support for months and have been pointed to different suggestions; one was removing the SSL certificate, which I removed. Then I read the forum and saw others with slow speed issues and I switched to WPEngine hosting. Still, this problem persists. Can you please try to figure out what is happening? This is a very big problem for me and my client really wants to get this site launched. Thank you, Katie

    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104
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    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104
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    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    OK, yep that screenshot you sent is exactly how I want it to look. I think I am missing something fundamental here.. when I re-size the bottles to be smaller on the back end, the row height does not change; it all still loads the same size on front and the bottles become blurry. What am I missing? To make them show up smaller I had to add empty space right and left on original photos and upload them to Media again. However, even when I do that, my site is not lining up top to bottom the way you show in your screenshot – page still stops right below text (you can see it live now with the “smaller”(wider) bottle pics). Sorry I’m just not getting it but could you walk me through what sizes and settings you used to make it work in your gif film that you sent?? I’m using the Row Setting “Window Height” for that row because otherwise it will not scale properly on different screen sizes. If this was not responsive design I could set it to Content Height and be done but I want it to scale properly on all screen sizes and I think that doesn’t accommodate that. What exactly am I missing here??? TIA!!!

    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    Sorry – I never saw this response and now the link you set is broken. This issue persists with my website and I’d love some advice on how to fix it! Thanks!

    See screenshot – see how the bottles won’t scoot all the way up because the scroll stops when it hits the sticky header (you can see that behind it is part of my image that you see when you open the home page). Ideally, I’d add a bit of white space above the bottles that would go behind the header so the bottles would be centered top to bottom if that makes sense. But I can’t figure out how to control the scroll to go a bit further….? TIA

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    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    OK, so I’m super happy to say that whatever weirdness was causing my formatting to be lost has stopped. The issue was with LEFT and RIGHT padding (not top and bottom, for whatever reason) – every time I made a change and saved it, if I went BACK in and edited the Text again, the formatting left and right padding I had added was mysteriously gone. You can imagine what a headache this was creating for my development. Anyway, I tested this many times on many browsers before contacting you and it kept happening… now, suddenly, but some development voodoo/divine intervention (no action on my part), it seems to have stopped and now my formatting is sticking. So, Yay! One less headache for both of us.
    Have a nice day,

    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    oops – sent you two of the same screenshots on last reply – here is the front of page…

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    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    No, the issue is that if I go into edit the text portion of any content block, even if I make NO CHANGES at all, the padding left and right is just lost if I press save! So, for example, on this page, I opened the text edit part (not the row edit) of the block called “about delivery 2”. If I do that and press Save, I lose my padding (even if I make no text changes at all). I cannot have this happening to my client when I turn the site over to her, she will go crazy. Screenshot shows padding settings (which were 50 left and 50 right but just re-set to zero upon opening the text block) as well as how the front of the page looked after I went in – all padding left and right just gone. Please feel free to try it yourself (I suggest you use the block I used or one of the other simple ones – the top row is a more complex layout and losing the formatting there is even more of headache). Please help!! Thanks, katie

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    in reply to: Framework updates after support ends #261838
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    Thanks- so I see it in the premium plugins file. I guess I tried to update it from that once and it did not work but i see it there in latest version so will roll with that, thank you.

    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104
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    in reply to: Add to Cart button action not working right since update #261240
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    Woocommerce Gift Cards by WP Ronin -but guess what? A new update came out today and now that issue has been fixed. Yay!

    On the bad news side, I suspect you’ve already heard that the new WP 4.5 seems to break some stuff in your theme. I upgraded last night and it removed ALL products from my storefront product assets (titles still visible, just blank underneath) and also eliminated a whole row of my home page. It was all there on the backend of the pages but just blank sections of the screen on the front. Had to downgrade back to prior version of WP and hoping you will come out with a fix soon!

    The specific assets were Products and on the home page of my site where I have 2 images of bottles in columns on either side of a block of text (right under my swift slider). Just didn’t show up on front end.

    Still leaving this topic as resolved as it’s unrelated to my prior question but just an fyi – will wait to submit as a support ticket as I suspect you are already on this one!

    in reply to: Add to Cart button action not working right since update #260954
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    There was a conflict with a third party gift card plugin. Not your hunt. Thanks! Marking as closed.

    in reply to: Add to Cart button action not working right since update #258835
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    thanks, I will. unfortunately client is “in there” right now and does not want it worked on in time being (and only 29 days left on my support plan…so hopefully he will be ready soon!)

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