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  • karel
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    in reply to: change sale, new, out of stock image #169361
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    how to properly use/add modified version of product-image.php in the child theme?

    like this in the functions.php file?
    require_once( get_stylesheet_directory() . ‘/my_included_file.php’ );

    i want to translate just texts ‘Sale’ ‘Free’ ‘Out of Stock’ and keep those translations alive after the parent theme updates ..

    or what would be the best practice to achieve this?

    in reply to: .mo and .po files in a child theme #112992
    Post count: 5

    what is the still existing problem is, that SOME PART of the Woocommerce translation is somehow overridden by theme language files or something else – please see attached picture

    red color marks some random pharses which are not translated by woocommerce like others

    i tried to remove all woocommerce related pharses from language file and disabled functions.php, but it did not helped with this

    normal situation would be, that woocommerce would translate ALL pharses to choosen language – which is not happening now

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    in reply to: .mo and .po files in a child theme #112975
    Post count: 5

    What helped me with the same issue

    I deleted all the foreign language files that I do not use from ALL the Language folders:

    wp-content / languages
    wp-content / languages / themes

    then also:
    wp-content / themes / neighborhood / languages

    after that I created Languages folder to my child theme and uploaded my translated .mo and .po files there

    then I added function.php like mentioned here above and my site is translated like I wished!

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